

python Programming Glossary: unequal

Zipping unequal lists in python in to a list which does not drop any element from longer list being zipped


unequal lists in python in to a list which does not drop any element..

How can you make python 2.x warn when coercing strings to unicode?


both arguments to Unicode interpreting them as being unequal return ''.join map quoter s Traceback most recent call last..

interleaving 2 lists of unequal lengths [duplicate]


2 lists of unequal lengths duplicate This question already has an answer here.. be able to interleave two lists that could potentially be unequal in length. What I have is def interleave xs ys a xs b ys c a..

Is everything greater than None?


objects of different incomparable types always compare unequal to each other. This upset some people since it was often handy..

check if all elements in a list are identical


only hurts on a long input over ~50 elements that have unequal elements early on. If this occurs often enough how often depends.. performance on short lists If the long inputs with early unequal elements don't happen or happen sufficiently rarely short circuit..

How to do unit testing of functions writing files using python unittest
