

python Programming Glossary: unescaped

Downloading images from Google Search using Python gives error?


dataInfo data 'results' # Iterate for each result and get unescaped url for myUrl in dataInfo count count 1 my_url myUrl 'unescapedUrl'.. url for myUrl in dataInfo count count 1 my_url myUrl 'unescapedUrl' myopener.retrieve myUrl 'unescapedUrl' str count '.jpg'.. 1 my_url myUrl 'unescapedUrl' myopener.retrieve myUrl 'unescapedUrl' str count '.jpg' But after downloading some images I am..

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?


' ' lt ' ' ' ' amp ' s s.replace code 1 code 0 return s unescaped html_decode my_string This however is not a general solution.. 2.x import HTMLParser html_parser HTMLParser.HTMLParser unescaped html_parser.unescape my_string # Python 3.x import html.parser.. 3.x import html.parser html_parser html.parser.HTMLParser unescaped html_parser.unescape my_string As a suggestion it may make more..

Can Mustache Templates do template extension?


however use the triple mustache because I don't want unescaped HTML to be appearing anywhere it's just too risky in my opinion...

Decode escaped characters in URL


variant zh Is there a way to transform them back to their unescaped form in python P.S. The URLs are encoded in utf 8 python escaping..