

python Programming Glossary: unicodedata.category

Python unicode regular expression matching failing with some unicode characters -bug or mistake?


re_ assert re_.search ^ w word flags re_.UNICODE print unicodedata.category cp for cp in word print .join ch for ch in regex.findall X word..

How to implement Unicode string matching by folding in python


c for c in unicodedata.normalize 'NFD' unicode s if unicodedata.category c 'Mn' strip_accents u' stblocket' 'Ostblocket' share improve..

Playing around with Devanagari characters


by looking up the Unicode category for each code point map unicodedata.category a 'Lo' 'Mc' 'Lo' 'Mn' 'Lo' 'Lo' 'Zs' 'Lo' 'Mn' 'Lo' 'Mc' 'Zs'.. None virama u' N DEVANAGARI SIGN VIRAMA ' for c in s cat unicodedata.category c 0 if cat 'M' or cat 'L' and last virama cluster c else if..

removing accent and special characters [duplicate]


''.join x for x in unicodedata.normalize 'NFKD' data if unicodedata.category x 0 'L' .lower Is there any better way to do this python diacritics..

Stripping non printable characters from a string in python


module is quite helpful for this especially the unicodedata.category function. See Unicode Character Database for descriptions of.. 0x110000 control_chars ''.join c for c in all_chars if unicodedata.category c 'Cc' # or equivalently and much more efficiently control_chars..