

python Programming Glossary: unicodedata.name

Normalizing Unicode


where is the problem import unicodedata char á len char 1 unicodedata.name c for c in char 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' But now char.. SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' But now char a len char 2 unicodedata.name c for c in char 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A' 'COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT'..

python… encoding issue when using linux > [duplicate]


issue # bin env python # coding utf 8 print u Råbjerg # unicodedata.name u å 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' here is what i get.. env python1 # coding utf 8 import sys locale s u Råbjerg # unicodedata.name u å 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' if sys.stdout.encoding..

Python, UnicodeDecodeError


gibberish absolutely nothing to do with the correct answer unicodedata.name u' u0161' 'LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON' 16 That example..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


'ó' from latin 1 to utf 8 and not mangle it repr and unicodedata.name are your friends when it comes to debugging such problems oacute_latin1.. xf3' print repr oacute_unicode u' xf3' import unicodedata unicodedata.name oacute_unicode 'LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE' print repr..

Playing around with Devanagari characters


import unicodedata a u बिकà रम मà रà नाठहà map unicodedata.name a 'DEVANAGARI LETTER BA' 'DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN I' 'DEVANAGARI..

In Python, how to list all characters matched by POSIX extended regex `[:space:]`?


u' u202f' u' u205f' u' u3000' What is all that stuff unicodedata.name is your friend from unicodedata import name for c in re.findall..