

python Programming Glossary: unicodetest.py

Help me understand why Unicode only works sometimes with Python


Gnome terminal IPython does what I would expect In 6 run Unicodetest.py abcd kΩ °C šHz µF ü abcd kΩ °C šHz µF ü I get the same output.. the first output and complain about the second In 9 run Unicodetest.py abcd k ¬â ÿá ¬â C ê Hz ¬â•¡F œâ ÿâ ERROR An unexpected error occurred.. Traceback most recent call last Desktop Unicodetest.py in module 4 print 'abcd k ¬â ÿá ¬â C ê Hz ¬â•¡F œâ ÿâ ' 5 6 print..