

python Programming Glossary: unicode_csv_reader

Python csv: UnicodeDecodeError


documentation claims it accepts UTF 8. I've tried adding a unicode_csv_reader function as described in the csv examples but it doesn't help... this question which looks very similar. But adding the unicode_csv_reader function defined there produces a different error instead yield..

Reading a UTF8 CSV file with Python


the CSV file since the csvreader supports only ASCII. def unicode_csv_reader unicode_csv_data dialect csv.excel kwargs # csv.py doesn't do.. yield line.encode 'utf 8' filename 'output.csv' reader unicode_csv_reader open filename try products for field1 field2 field3 in reader.. field1 field2 field3 in reader File . Test.py line 40 in unicode_csv_reader for row in csv_reader File . Test.py line 46 in utf_8_encoder..