

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:04

iphone Programming Glossary: transform.rotation.z

Basic keyframe animation (rotation)


CALayer layer rotatingImage.layer CAKeyframeAnimation animation animation CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z animation.duration 0.5f animation.cumulative YES animation.repeatCount 1 animation.values NSArray arrayWithObjects i.e...

How can I enforce an specific direction (i.e. clockwise) of rotation in Core Animation?


CALayer layer someView.layer CAKeyframeAnimation animation animation CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z animation.duration 1.0 animation.cumulative YES animation.repeatCount 1 animation.removedOnCompletion NO animation.fillMode.. CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear nil layer addAnimation animation forKey @ transform.rotation.z If you're after counterclockwise animation you should use negative values. For a slightly more basic animation you can use.. CALayer layer someView.layer CABasicAnimation animation animation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z animation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 0.0 M_PI animation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 1.0 M_PI animation.duration..

CGAffineTransformMakeRotation counter clockwise always


byAngle CGFloat angle CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation rotationAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rotationAnimation.fromValue 0 rotationAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat angle rotationAnimation.duration duration..

iphone UIImageView rotation


CGFloat duration CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation rotationAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rotationAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat M_PI 2.0 full rotation rotations duration rotationAnimation.duration..

Grouping two Core Animations with CAAnimationGroup causes one CABasicAnimation to not run


The first rocks the UILabel back and forth CAKeyframeAnimation rock rock CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rock setBeginTime 0.0f rock setDuration 5.0 rock setRepeatCount 10000 NSMutableArray values NSMutableArray array MovingMath..

What kind of value is keyTime in an CAKeyFrameAnimation?


CALayer theLayer myView.layer CAKeyframeAnimation animation animation CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z animation.duration 1.6 animation.cumulative YES animation.repeatCount 1 animation.removedOnCompletion NO animation.fillMode.. CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName kCAMediaTimingFunctionLinear nil theLayer addAnimation animation forKey @ transform.rotation.z What I don't get is A are key time values absolute passed time since the animation has started B are key time values just..

Is there a way to pause a CABasicAnimation?


on it how would I do that CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation rotationAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rotationAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat M_PI 2 rotationAnimation.duration 100 rotationAnimation.cumulative YES..

How do i rotate a CALayer around a diagonal line?


withAngle double angle const float duration 0.5f CAKeyframeAnimation diag CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z diag.duration duration diag.values NSArray arrayWithObjects NSNumber numberWithDouble angle NSNumber numberWithDouble..

How to make a CATransform3dMakeRotation rotate the other way? And chain together


NSNumber numberWithFloat y angle M_PI CABasicAnimation zRotation zRotation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z zRotation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 0.0 zRotation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat z angle M_PI CAAnimationGroup..

How to let a view rotate forever?


object using animationWithKeyPath method CABasicAnimation animation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z animation.fromValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 0.0f animation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat 2 M_PI animation.duration 3.0f..

Can I use CGAffineTransformMakeRotation to rotate a view more than 360 degrees?


CGFloat duration CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation rotationAnimation CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath @ transform.rotation.z rotationAnimation.toValue NSNumber numberWithFloat M_PI 2.0 full rotation rotations duration rotationAnimation.duration..

Is there a way to figure out, how many degrees an view is rotated currently during an animation?
