

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: treat

Memory Management in Objective-C [duplicate]


retaining releasing autoreleasing For instance is it completely illegal to use a pointer to an Objective C object and treat it as an array Are you forced to use NSArray and NSMutableArray for data structures I know these are pretty newbie questions..

Objective-C: unichar vs. char


C unichar vs. char I'm a little confused between a unichar and a char. Can I treat unichar's similar to char's For example can I do this BOOL isNewLine unichar c if c ' n' return YES else return NO iphone..

iPhone: Post data to php page


NSURLRequest will do. Even though you are using multiple parameters they are all part of the same URL so you just treat them that way. Build the URL as a string first and then use the string to initialize a NSURL object. You are prompting a..

iPhone 5 letterboxing / screen resize [closed]


on orientation . There is a very simple fix for this though it is not the proper solution that will automatically treat your application as though it is built for the new iPhone. 1 Create a new app project. 2 Locate the Default 568h@2x.png..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


dataWithContentsOfFile filePath ASSERT data if data self uploadSucceeded NO return if data length 0 There's no data treat this the same as no file. self uploadSucceeded YES return NSData compressedData self compress data ASSERT compressedData..

Display navigationController on top


and the rootview. I tried to make it as a subview of the popup but that doesn't work too. Does anyone know how to treat that I've set up the popup programmaticaly and the navigationController too. Thanks in advance. My code The navController..

Encrypted NSData to NSString in obj-c?


improve this question First off DO NOT use NSData description to create an NSString for such purposes. It's best to treat description as debugging output. I apologize if my previous answer misled you I was merely printing the description to demonstrate..

StoreKit In App Purchase invalid product identifiers [duplicate]


to be enabled. Obvious right Well if you are working with an update to an existing application the device will still treat it as an App Store installed app. So delete the app from your device. Then install the app back onto the device using Build..

iPhone - What are reuseIdentifiers (UITableViewCell)?


have to keep them separate by providing different reuseIdentifiers. Otherwise you might end up getting a cell that you treat as some other kind of cell for example UITableView cell instead of the custom one you wanted . So basically as I understand..

iPhone web service calls to WCF Service with Certificate Authentication


For starters I'd say if you are really serious about security please dedicate the proper time and resources to it and treat it like a first class citizen in your feature list. Don't just turn on SSL and pretend things are secure. I'm not suggesting..

Is there any physics engine SDK for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad?


The Box2D engine is written in C and so it can be compiled linked into an iPhone OS project by telling Xcode to treat it as Objective C . Both are excellent. I've only extensively used Box2D but I've heard great things about Chipmunk too...

Managing multiple asynchronous NSURLConnection connections


The problem with asynchronous requests is when you have various requests going off and you have a delegate assigned to treat them all as one entity a lot of branching and ugly code begins to formulate going What kind of data are we getting back..

Check iPhone iOS Version


How to steal touches from UIScrollView?


NO scrollView.canCancelContentTouches NO As one would expect the outer scroll view didn't treat the inner scroll view any different than it treated the picker view so the inner scroll view did not receive the touches... NO As one would expect the outer scroll view didn't treat the inner scroll view any different than it treated the picker view so the inner scroll view did not receive the touches. I thought that it was a long shot but it was simple..

Objective-C++ for iOS development


this question Using ObjC is quite easy. You have to declare source files with extension .mm. It will make compiler treat them as ObjC . The same with headers use the .hh extension. There is another option go to target settings and set Compile..

Detecting the iPhone's Ring / Silent / Mute switch using AVAudioPlayer not working?


Embed Google Maps on page without overriding iPhone scroll behavior


then when I start scrolling down and get to the map it doesn't pan but the page doesn't scroll either. I would like to treat the map as a static image that I can scroll past but still allow the zoom buttons and allow the map to be redrawn with directions..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


in which I simply load a text.txt from the documents folder Apple writes Treat files in iCloud the same way you treat all other files in your app sandbox. However in my case there is no 'normal' app sandbox anymore. It's in the cloud. Or..

Combine static and prototype content in a table view


prototype content using storyboard iphone ios uitableview storyboard share improve this question I suggest you treat your table as dynamic but include the cells you always want at the top. In storyboard place a UITableViewController and..