

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:06

iphone Programming Glossary: traversing

SimpleXML way of parsing in Objective C for iPhone App


it can be as easy as this xml simplexml_load_string xmlfilecontents echo xml user name for this example code im not traversing through all the user elements Given that the xmlfilecontents is an xml file content in string type containing users elements..

How to optimize Core Data query for full text search


object class I query for the corresponding objects with NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ rowid IN @ rowids . I avoid traversing any many to many relationships this way. The performance improvement is dramatic. My dataset is 142287 rows comprising 194MB..

Changing tintColor of UISearchBar inside ABPeoplePickerNavigationController


is nil Both times the searchDisplayController was nil. What I ended up doing was traversing the view hierarchy to find the UISearchBar view. There is certainly one there right. So this is my final code. If anyone..

iPhone View Strategy


straight to the main view . To close views I am using dismissModalViewControllerAnimated but this is not ideal for traversing more than one view. Is there a way of replacing the current model view rather than opening a new one on top I hope this..

Detect if UIKeyBoard is Showing [duplicate]


Recursively traverse NSDictionary of unknown structure


that works for both arrays and dictionaries With the code below once I get to a dictionary within an array it stops traversing. However if I continue the recursion in the array condition to check for dictionaries within arrays it barfs on the next..