

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:04

iphone Programming Glossary: transformations

How to change thin image to fat image in iPhone SDK?


to find peoples face features in an image and use the coordinates of the eyes and mouth as the starting point for my transformations. Your project is much more ambitious. You would have to do some serious image processing to find all the features trace..

How to get a rotated, zoomed and panned image from an UIImageView at its full resolution?


content of the UIImageView but it is limited to the resolution of the screen. I assume that I have to do the same transformations on the UIImage and crop it. IS there an easy way to do that Update For example I have an UIImageView with an image in high..

Applying multiple transforms to a UIView / CALayer


obtaining the rotation and size of a UIImageView based on its transformation matrices


the combined scaling and rotation matrix will look like this ¡Sx.cos R Sx.sin R Sy.sin R Sy.cos R Note that linear transformations could also include shearing or other transformations but I'll assume for this question that only rotation and scaling have.. like this ¡Sx.cos R Sx.sin R Sy.sin R Sy.cos R Note that linear transformations could also include shearing or other transformations but I'll assume for this question that only rotation and scaling have occurred if a shear transform is in the matrix you..

Flatten UIViews Subviews to UIImage iPhone 3.0


CGContext with view.layer renderInContext UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext doesn't preserve the positioning or other affine transformations of my subviews. I would really appreciate a kick in the right direction. iphone cocoa touch cgcontext share improve this..

iPhone: CALayer + rotate in 3D + antialias?


make it so Essentially I'm implementing my own version of CoverFlow yeah yeah design patent blah blah using quartz 3d transformations to do everything. It works fine except that each cover isn't antialiased and Apples version is. I've tried messing around..

Drawing in CATiledLayer with CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage


or the way the coordinates of the tiles are computed. This is how it looks like I am a bit confused with all this transformations. Bonus question How would one handle the retina display pictures in core graphics EDIT To get it working on the retina display..

UIImageView Transform Scale


iOS - Caching and loading images asynchronously


UIImage Resize library by Trevor Harmon and created an example project. I modified the code of SDWebImage to deal with transformations crop resize . The project is public on https github.com toptierlabs ImageCacheResize . Feel free to use it share improve..

How to apply “filters” to AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer


that seems to accomplish something similar by capturing the individual video frames in a buffer applying the desired transformations then displaying each frame as an UIImage. For several reasons this seems like overkill for my project and I'd like to avoid..

(Scale) Zoom into a UIView at a point


Scale Zoom into a UIView at a point I've been stuck on this for days. Something I don't understand about transformations. I want to zoom in to say the top right corner of a UIView the main view . I use CGAffineTransformScale and have tried both..

How to capture current view screenshot and reuse in code? (iPhone SDK)


it smells like an image use the CGContext methods to draw it into your context. While walking make sure to apply the transformations positions of each layer as you call recursively Yes a rather large pain in the ass. But yes it works pretty well and got..

iPhone - save UIImageView state


Is there any way I can save these objects Or do I have to save everything individually If I do how do I save all the transformations which have happened on the image view objects till the user exits Thanks. iphone uiimageview share improve this question..