

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:04

iphone Programming Glossary: transient

NSFetchedResultsController with sections created by first letter of a string


a new optional string attribute to the entity called lastNameInitial or something to that effect . Make this property transient. This means that Core Data won't bother saving it into your data file. This property will only exist in memory when you.. null attributeType 700 attributeValueClassName NSString defaultValue null passed to setPropertiesToFetch property is transient ' fetchRequest setReturnsDistinctResults YES NSSortDescriptor nameInitialSortOrder NSSortDescriptor alloc initWithKey @..

Description of initWithNibName, awakeFromNib and viewDidLoad?


it to your project basically IB calls initWithNibName but unless you have overridden the default encodeWithCoder any transient variables that you've set up there will be gone when the view is loaded from the nib deserialized . This is generally okay..

Setting a different section for each month with fetchedresultcontroller


bounds 12 ' iphone objective c ios ipad core data share improve this question One common mistake usually coding transient property for nsmanagedobject is people forget to also enable transient property in the data model file xcdatamodeld . share..

Using custom sections with NSFetchedResultsController?


can help iphone cocoa touch uitableview core data share improve this question You can try the following. Add a transient attribute to your core data model in the Task entity. Then implement the void awakeFromFetch method in your Task NSManagedObject.. in your Task NSManagedObject class. See its documentation. Within the method you are allowed to set a value for the transient property using the values of the other properties. Note that there are some restrictions on what you can do but this is.. in the documentation most notably you can not modify relationships or pass arguments however if you can compute you transient property using only the values of the other properties relationships it should be perfectly fine . Once you have done this..

How to use the first character as a section name


case you would NOT display the section headers. See below for sample code. Otherwise I agree with refulgentis that a transient property is the best solution. Also when creating the NSFetchedResultsController the sectionNameKeyPath has this limitation.. in fetchRequest might specify the key for a persistent property sectionNameKeyPath might specify a key for a transient property derived from the persistent property. Boilerplate UITableViewDataSource implementations using NSFetchedResultsController.. sections objectAtIndex section return sectionInfo name UPDATE 2 For the new 'uppercaseFirstLetterOfName' transient property add a new string attribute to the applicable entity in the model and check the transient box. There are a few ways..

Core Data Table View Section Sort by weekdays using NSSortDescriptor


values in the desired order. UPDATE 2 Example code for option 2 Change the day attribute to a number Int16 and add a transient non persistant dayName string attribute. Add this enumeration of the week days typdef enum kMonday kTuesday kWednesday kThursday.. be NSNumber objects. For example object.day NSNumber numberWithInteger kMonday Implement the getter function for the transient dayName property NSString dayName switch WeekDay self.day.integerValue case kMonday return @ Monday break case kTuesday..

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?


isInserted in NSPredicate presumably it's YES between inserting and successfully saving . Alternatively you can use a transient property with the same behaviour set it to YES in awakeFromInsert and NO in willSave . Both of these may be problematic..

Storing NSAttributedString Core Data


NSAttributedString to a Core Data SQL store. I have the property set as a transformable it is optional and it is NOT transient or indexed and the value transformer name is set to default NSKeyedUnarchiveFromData . In the .xcdatamodel and generated..

A NSFetchedResultsController with date as sectionNameKeyPath


date return formattedDateStr EDIT Jus saw your comment and for what you are trying to achieve you could create a transient NSDate attribute non persistent that is formatted in a similar way to the above code i.e. without H mm ss ZZZZ and use that..

NSFetchedResultsController custom sort not getting called


question There are a couple of things I can think of. First though this may not be your problem you cannot sort on transient properties. But more likely is that when sorting in a model backed by a SQL store the comparator gets compiled to a SQL..

Need some help understanding transient properties in Core Data


some help understanding transient properties in Core Data I read the documentation on transient properties but I can't really understand their purpose. Can.. some help understanding transient properties in Core Data I read the documentation on transient properties but I can't really understand their purpose. Can someone tell me the difference between having and not having.. but I can't really understand their purpose. Can someone tell me the difference between having and not having a transient property if I have a custom subclass of NSManagedObject like this @interface Board NSManagedObject NSMutableArray _grid..