

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:05

iphone Programming Glossary: translated

Can I use setFrame and autolayout on the same view?


this can be done. If translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints YES then calls to setFrame at runtime are automatically translated into new constraints. However you need to make sure they are translated into constraints that can be satisfied with the.. calls to setFrame at runtime are automatically translated into new constraints. However you need to make sure they are translated into constraints that can be satisfied with the rest of your constraints. And unsurprisingly translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints..

Cropping an image in iOS using OpenCV face detection


img WithRect CGRect rect UIGraphicsBeginImageContext rect.size CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext translated rectangle for drawing sub image CGRect drawRect CGRectMake rect.origin.x rect.origin.y img.size.width img.size.height clip..

MKMapView Route/Directions


directions.load from 500 Memorial Drive Cambridge MA to 4 Yawkey Way Boston MA 02215 Fenway Park So how can this be translated into Objective C so it can be retrieved by the iPhone I know how to draw a line on MKMapView I just need the geolocations..

XCode - Multiple targets, Multiple *internationalized* names?


Name . That's working fine for a single target but I can't make it work for multiple targets. I'd like to have several translated InfoPlistMyApp.strings files for the main target plus several InfoPlistMyApp Lite .strings files for the lite version. But..

JSON and Core Data on the iPhone


“Incorrect” frame / window size after re-orientation in iPhone


since the status bar is showing and 480 pixels tall. If your view is auto rotating then the width height have been translated for you but when you ask for the actual dimensions of the screen you get back the actual dimensions of the screen. This.. actual dimensions of the screen you get back the actual dimensions of the screen. This is also why when working with translated views it is important to do calculations based on the view's center and the view's bounds and never on the view's frame...

UIDatePicker - Problem Localizing


NSLocaleCalender This results in an english picker. Here's the really weird thing though. The word for Today is translated. As seen in the attached screenshot. OK I'm not allowed to post images. But imagine a Date Time picker with May in English..

iPhone: NSLocalizedString reading from English .strings file even when another lang is set


fr AND I can see that the device setting is getting through somehow because the system toolbar buttons undo etc are translated. But my strings are still in English. Note that they are coming from the .strings file as I've edited that to verify. So..

Android-iPhone single codebase cross development


Objective C for iOS for application development. It would be nice to have some sort of meta language that will be translated in Java and in Objective C. What about Flash Adobe wasn't supposed to release a tool to create flash based apps in iOS Update..

How does - (CGRect)convertRect:(CGRect)rect toView:(UIView *)view work


Implementing Transient Properties


property in a NSFetchRequest that is going against a SQLite store. When you are using SQLite the NSFetchRequest is translated into sql and run against the database long before your transient is ever touched. Also you should not be implementing the..

UIWebview Localization


Drawing in CATiledLayer with CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage


row and column iteration as well as the CGRect intersection for the edge tiles and just draw to the rect once you've translated the context. Here's what I've ended up with void drawLayer CALayer layer inContext CGContextRef ctx CGRect rect CGContextGetClipBoundingBox..

Difference between NSThreads, NSOperations and performSelector


any method prototypes that were declared earlier there would be a warning. The first and the second lines would be translated to objc_msgsend self _cmd performSelector is really cool thing when you want to do something at runtime for example you..

Xcode - iPhone - profile doesn't match any valid certificate-/private-key pair in the default keychain


is already an older certificate present which I tried to add to my keychain manager. But I see a red text above it translated from german This certificate has been signed by an unknown instance. . In my XCode Device Manager in the Provisioning Section..

MonoTouch performance vs. Objective-C/Java


question. With this in mind most programs on Android don't execute native code but run on Dalvik VM which runs the translated Java bytecode . The Mono JIT has been benchmarked against it before and was consistently been found faster check for example..

How are XIBs loaded for localized apps?


strings therein from code. I chose the later because I wanted all my localized strings in single place so it can be translated all at once . What this means is that I don't have any xib files in language specific directories in my project fr.lproj.. full of all my xib files nib files once they are built and language specific directories containing the corresponding translated Localizable.strings files. As I mentioned this has been working fine for a couple of days. Today and I am not sure at exactly..