

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:04

iphone Programming Glossary: transition

How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?


has a new aspect ratio and a new resolution 640 x 1136 pixels . What is required to develop new or transition already existing applications to the new screen size What should we keep in mind to make applications..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


being relayed to my UITableView I can still select cells and they respond properly by triggering a transition to a new ViewController object. But I can not scroll the UITableView despite passing the touchesBegan..

How to resize a UIPresentationFormSheet?


targetController.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal transition shouldn't matter self presentModalViewController targetController animated YES targetController.view.superview.frame..

Easiest way to support multiple orientations? How do I load a custom NIB when the application is in Landscape?


returning yes if you want to rotate. I use a navigation controller to manage the transition. If I have the portrait view up and the device rotates I push the landscape view and then pop the landscape..

iphone webkit css animations cause flicker


that snap happens there's a flicker that occurs. The only webkit animations I'm using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose.. flicker that occurs. The only webkit animations I'm using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second.. 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second transition based on whether or not I want it to animate and the transform is the only way I move things around...

iOS 5 Best Practice (Release/retain?)


Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


controllers NavigationControllers have ViewController stacks to manage and limited animation transitions. Adding a view controller as a sub view to an existing view controller requires passing events to the.. EXAMPLE on a way to change view controllers without the above limitations and allows for animated transitions between them A close example but no animation How to use multiple iOS custom view controllers without.. without a navigation controller Edit Nav Controller use is fine but there needs to be animated transition styles not simply the slide effects the view controller being shown needs to be swapped completely not..

How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?


for iPhone 5 screen resolution The new iPhone 5 display has a new aspect ratio and a new resolution 640 x 1136 pixels . What is required to develop new or transition already existing applications to the new screen size What should we keep in mind to make applications universal for both the older displays and the new widescreen..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


and overlay it onto my UITableView scroll events are not being relayed to my UITableView I can still select cells and they respond properly by triggering a transition to a new ViewController object. But I can not scroll the UITableView despite passing the touchesBegan touchesMoved and touchesEnded events. iphone uitableview..

How to resize a UIPresentationFormSheet?


autorelease targetController.modalPresentationStyle UIModalPresentationFormSheet targetController.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal transition shouldn't matter self presentModalViewController targetController animated YES targetController.view.superview.frame CGRectInset targetController.view.superview.frame..

Easiest way to support multiple orientations? How do I load a custom NIB when the application is in Landscape?


if needed. You check orientation in shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation returning yes if you want to rotate. I use a navigation controller to manage the transition. If I have the portrait view up and the device rotates I push the landscape view and then pop the landscape view when it return to portrait. Edit I return YES for..

iphone webkit css animations cause flicker


can see that when you let go they snap into place. Just as that snap happens there's a flicker that occurs. The only webkit animations I'm using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second transition based on whether or not.. they snap into place. Just as that snap happens there's a flicker that occurs. The only webkit animations I'm using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second transition based on whether or not I want it to animate and.. using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second transition based on whether or not I want it to animate and the transform is the only way I move things around. The biggest issue though is when you click Match items then..

iOS 5 Best Practice (Release/retain?)


Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


without using navigation controller stack subviews or modal controllers NavigationControllers have ViewController stacks to manage and limited animation transitions. Adding a view controller as a sub view to an existing view controller requires passing events to the sub view controller which is a pain to manage loaded with.. be used in all projects. Can someone present a SOLID CODE EXAMPLE on a way to change view controllers without the above limitations and allows for animated transitions between them A close example but no animation How to use multiple iOS custom view controllers without a navigation controller Edit Nav Controller use is fine but.. no animation How to use multiple iOS custom view controllers without a navigation controller Edit Nav Controller use is fine but there needs to be animated transition styles not simply the slide effects the view controller being shown needs to be swapped completely not stacked . If the second view controller must remove another..

How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?


iPhone 5 display has a new aspect ratio and a new resolution 640 x 1136 pixels . What is required to develop new or transition already existing applications to the new screen size What should we keep in mind to make applications universal for both..

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


events are not being relayed to my UITableView I can still select cells and they respond properly by triggering a transition to a new ViewController object. But I can not scroll the UITableView despite passing the touchesBegan touchesMoved and touchesEnded..

Reading PDF files as string through iPhone application


UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext page NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ MobileHIG ofType @ pdf UTF8String CATransition transition CATransition animation transition.duration 0.75 transition.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut.. NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ MobileHIG ofType @ pdf UTF8String CATransition transition CATransition animation transition.duration 0.75 transition.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut transition.type.. @ MobileHIG ofType @ pdf UTF8String CATransition transition CATransition animation transition.duration 0.75 transition.timingFunction CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut transition.type kCATransitionPush..

How to resize a UIPresentationFormSheet?


UIModalPresentationFormSheet targetController.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal transition shouldn't matter self presentModalViewController targetController animated YES targetController.view.superview.frame CGRectInset..

Easiest way to support multiple orientations? How do I load a custom NIB when the application is in Landscape?


returning yes if you want to rotate. I use a navigation controller to manage the transition. If I have the portrait view up and the device rotates I push the landscape view and then pop the landscape view when it..

iphone webkit css animations cause flicker


into place. Just as that snap happens there's a flicker that occurs. The only webkit animations I'm using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or.. happens there's a flicker that occurs. The only webkit animations I'm using are ' webkit transition' 'none' ' webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second transition based on.. webkit transition' 'all 0.2s ease out' ' webkit transform' 'translate XXpx XXpx ' I choose either the first or second transition based on whether or not I want it to animate and the transform is the only way I move things around. The biggest issue though..

What are block-based animation methods in iPhone OS 4.0?


animations completion animateWithDuration delay options animations completion There are also some related transition methods. For each of these the animations argument is a block object animations A block object containing the changes to..

Method for animating images (like a movie) on iPhone without using MPMoviePlayer


be created and stored in an NSMutableArray as needed then removed when done to minimize memory use. You can set the transition duration between frames by wrapping the replaceSublayer with method call in a CATransaction like the following CATransaction..

iOS 5 Best Practice (Release/retain?)


Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


stack subviews or modal controllers NavigationControllers have ViewController stacks to manage and limited animation transitions. Adding a view controller as a sub view to an existing view controller requires passing events to the sub view controller.. present a SOLID CODE EXAMPLE on a way to change view controllers without the above limitations and allows for animated transitions between them A close example but no animation How to use multiple iOS custom view controllers without a navigation controller.. custom view controllers without a navigation controller Edit Nav Controller use is fine but there needs to be animated transition styles not simply the slide effects the view controller being shown needs to be swapped completely not stacked . If the..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl doesn't get back to previous state. (Not dismissing)


to previous state. Not dismissing I've got 2 view controllers let's say A and B. In A I'm calling B to be shown with transition style UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl b setModalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl self presentModalViewController..

How to capture current view screenshot and reuse in code? (iPhone SDK)


to capture current view screenshot and reuse in code iPhone SDK I am attemting to transition from one UIView to another when the user rotates the device. This in of itself is not difficult. However since I am displaying.. is completed and the system has applied the view transforms etc I can show the snapshot view I saved and animate a transition of my choice to my new view. After it is completed I can release my snapshot and move on. Is there a way to do this that..

What's the difference between using CGFloat and float?


UIModalPresentationCurrentContext with Transition?


with Transition I am trying to modal present a view controller like below UIStoryboard storyboard UIStoryboard storyboardWithName @ MainStoryboard.. subsection while the rest is transparent. Try this vc.modalPresentationStyle UIModalPresentationCurrentContext vc.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical self presentViewController vc animated YES completion NULL Note I'd recommend adding.. is transparent. Try this vc.modalPresentationStyle UIModalPresentationCurrentContext vc.modalTransitionStyle UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical self presentViewController vc animated YES completion NULL Note I'd recommend adding a low alpha background..

Transition an existing paid for app to free version with In App Purchase


an existing paid for app to free version with In App Purchase I have existing users of a paid for app on the App Store...

How do I change the Navigation Bar color in iOS 7?


UIColor redColor We can also use this to check iOS Version as mention in iOS 7 UI Transition Guide if floor NSFoundationVersionNumber NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1 NSLog @ Load resources for iOS 6.1 or earlier..

IOS 7 Navigation Bar text and arrow color


shown below Two beautiful links I'd like to share with you. For more details you can go through these links iOS 7 UI Transition Guide . How to Update Your App for iOS 7 . Apple Documentation for barTintColor says This color is made translucent by default..

iPhone + upgrade existing paid application on app store to free application with In App purchase + what about the customers who have already purchased the paid application [duplicate]


the customers who have already purchased the paid application duplicate This question already has an answer here Transition an existing paid for app to free version with In App Purchase 4 answers I have implemented In App purchase in my existing..

iPhone Smooth Transition from One Video To Another


Smooth Transition from One Video To Another I have to figure out the best way to transition from one video to the next BASIC IDEA An example..

Transition behavior using transitionFromView and transitionWithView


behavior using transitionFromView and transitionWithView I am attempting to create a transition between two subviews view1.. id sender if sender tag 0 UIView transitionFromView view2 toView view1 duration 2.0 options UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft completion nil else view1 removeFromSuperview self.view addSubview view2 UIView transitionWithView view2 duration.. self.view addSubview view2 UIView transitionWithView view2 duration 2.0 options UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromRight UIViewAnimationOptionShowHideTransitionViews animations ^ completion nil iphone uiview views ios transitions..

Partial Curl Modal Transition Style While Preserving Tool/Tab Bar


Curl Modal Transition Style While Preserving Tool Tab Bar Is there a way to present a modal view controller that doesn't cover the tab bar of.. a modal view controller that doesn't cover the tab bar of a UITabBarController Specifically I want to use the UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl but preserve the bottom bar a la the iPhone maps app. iphone uitabbarcontroller modalviewcontroller share..