

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: withobject

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


void uploadSucceeded BOOL success IN delegate performSelector success doneSelector errorSelector withObject self Uploader Private connectionDidFinishLoading Called when the upload is complete. We judge..

How do you trigger a block after a delay, like -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:?


do you trigger a block after a delay like performSelector withObject afterDelay Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay like using performSelector.. Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay like using performSelector withObject afterDelay but with an argument like int double float iphone objective c objective c blocks grand central..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


background threading you can use NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you.. @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress.. and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress withObject nil waitUntilDone NO Note that I've found the NO argument in the previous method to be needed to get..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


Arguments One consideration is that this is the same warning will occur with performSelector withObject and you could run into similar problems with not declaring how that method consumes parameters. ARC..

GCD, Threads, Program Flow and UI Updating


and changing the button state. self performSelectorInBackground @selector createTreeFromNode withObject rootNode I've tried to use GCD but similar issue and can't get UI updated. dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create.. and changing the button state. self performSelectorInBackground @selector createTreeFromNode withObject rootNode NO do not wait or enable here. Need to wait here until createTreeFromNode is finished. solveButton.enabled.. self doWorkButton setEnabled NO self performSelectorInBackground @selector performLongRunningWork withObject nil void performLongRunningWork id obj simulate 5 seconds of work I added a slider to the form I can..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


did or did not succeed. Results None Side effects None void uploadSucceeded BOOL success IN delegate performSelector success doneSelector errorSelector withObject self Uploader Private connectionDidFinishLoading Called when the upload is complete. We judge the success of the upload based on the reply we get from the..

How do you trigger a block after a delay, like -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:?


do you trigger a block after a delay like performSelector withObject afterDelay Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay like using performSelector withObject afterDelay but with an argument like int.. after a delay like performSelector withObject afterDelay Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay like using performSelector withObject afterDelay but with an argument like int double float iphone objective c objective c blocks grand central dispatch share improve this question I think you're..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


thread manually or through an NSOperation. For manual background threading you can use NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress.. threading you can use NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress withObject nil waitUntilDone NO Note that I've found the NO.. performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress withObject nil waitUntilDone NO Note that I've found the NO argument in the previous method to be needed to get constant UI updates while dealing with a continuous progress..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


pointer value being retained released and crash. Additional Arguments One consideration is that this is the same warning will occur with performSelector withObject and you could run into similar problems with not declaring how that method consumes parameters. ARC allows for declaring consumed parameters and if the method consumes..

GCD, Threads, Program Flow and UI Updating


thread but I can't get the code to waitTilDone before continuing and changing the button state. self performSelectorInBackground @selector createTreeFromNode withObject rootNode I've tried to use GCD but similar issue and can't get UI updated. dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create com.gamesbychris.createTree 0 dispatch_sync.. thread but I can't get the code to waitTilDone before continuing and changing the button state. self performSelectorInBackground @selector createTreeFromNode withObject rootNode NO do not wait or enable here. Need to wait here until createTreeFromNode is finished. solveButton.enabled YES A UI message loop is running on the main.. doWork id sender self feedbackLabel setText @ Working ... self doWorkButton setEnabled NO self performSelectorInBackground @selector performLongRunningWork withObject nil void performLongRunningWork id obj simulate 5 seconds of work I added a slider to the form I can slide it back and forth during the 5 sec. sleep 5 self performSelectorOnMainThread..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


effects None void uploadSucceeded BOOL success IN delegate performSelector success doneSelector errorSelector withObject self Uploader Private connectionDidFinishLoading Called when the upload is complete. We judge the success of the..

SEL performSelector and arguments


share improve this question Take a look at the NSObject documentation. In this case parent performSelector sel withObject NSNumber numberWithInt i note this method is actually listed in the NSObject protocol documentation . Since NSObject performSelector.. i note this method is actually listed in the NSObject protocol documentation . Since NSObject performSelector withObject requires an object argument you will have to write a wrapper in parent's class like void myMethodForNumber NSNumber number..

How do you trigger a block after a delay, like -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:?


do you trigger a block after a delay like performSelector withObject afterDelay Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay like using performSelector withObject.. afterDelay Is there a way to call a block with a primitive parameter after a delay like using performSelector withObject afterDelay but with an argument like int double float iphone objective c objective c blocks grand central dispatch share..

Is there a way to toggle bluetooth and/or wifi on and off programatically in iOS?


objc_getClass BluetoothManager id btCont BluetoothManager sharedInstance self performSelector @selector toggle withObject btCont afterDelay 0.1f #endif return YES #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR #else void toggle id btCont BOOL currentState btCont..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


For manual background threading you can use NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread.. @selector doWork toTarget self withObject nil or self performSelectorInBackground @selector doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress withObject nil waitUntilDone.. doWork withObject nil and then to update the UI you can use self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector updateProgress withObject nil waitUntilDone NO Note that I've found the NO argument in the previous method to be needed to get constant UI updates..

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) vs. performSelector - need a better explanation


as equivalent dispatch_sync dispatch_get_main_queue ^ self doit YES self performSelectorOnMainThread @selector doit withObject YES waitUntilDone YES Am I incorrect That is is there a difference of the performSelector commands versus the GCD ones I've.. main thread. Here's how the documentation says the method is implemented void performSelectorOnMainThread SEL selector withObject id obj waitUntilDone BOOL wait NSRunLoop mainRunLoop performSelector selector target self withObject obj order 1 modes NSRunLoopCommonModes.. SEL selector withObject id obj waitUntilDone BOOL wait NSRunLoop mainRunLoop performSelector selector target self withObject obj order 1 modes NSRunLoopCommonModes And on performSelector target withObject order modes the documentation states This..

NSInternalInconsistencyException Could not load nib in bundle


0x0005fe93 DragTriangleViewController clickDone 26 11 CoreFoundation 0x31794571 NSObject NSObject performSelector withObject withObject 24 12 UIKit 0x32ee5ec9 UIApplication sendAction to from forEvent 84 13 UIKit 0x32ee5e69 UIApplication sendAction.. DragTriangleViewController clickDone 26 11 CoreFoundation 0x31794571 NSObject NSObject performSelector withObject withObject 24 12 UIKit 0x32ee5ec9 UIApplication sendAction to from forEvent 84 13 UIKit 0x32ee5e69 UIApplication sendAction toTarget..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


and crash. Additional Arguments One consideration is that this is the same warning will occur with performSelector withObject and you could run into similar problems with not declaring how that method consumes parameters. ARC allows for declaring..

GCD, Threads, Program Flow and UI Updating


before continuing and changing the button state. self performSelectorInBackground @selector createTreeFromNode withObject rootNode I've tried to use GCD but similar issue and can't get UI updated. dispatch_queue_t queue dispatch_queue_create.. before continuing and changing the button state. self performSelectorInBackground @selector createTreeFromNode withObject rootNode NO do not wait or enable here. Need to wait here until createTreeFromNode is finished. solveButton.enabled YES.. @ Working ... self doWorkButton setEnabled NO self performSelectorInBackground @selector performLongRunningWork withObject nil void performLongRunningWork id obj simulate 5 seconds of work I added a slider to the form I can slide it back and forth..