

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:00

iphone Programming Glossary: workingtitle

Xcode Exit Code 1 - Duplicate Symbol


code 1 ld duplicate symbol _OBJC_IVAR_ _sunnyHillsTL._tileMap in Users kahanejosh Library Developer Xcode DerivedData workingTitle cawhuhbkmwcesmbqxvkbkbatdbze Build Products Debug iphoneos libcocos2d libraries.a sunnyHillsTL.o and Users kahanejosh Library.. Products Debug iphoneos libcocos2d libraries.a sunnyHillsTL.o and Users kahanejosh Library Developer Xcode DerivedData workingTitle cawhuhbkmwcesmbqxvkbkbatdbze Build Intermediates workingTitle.build Debug iphoneos workingTitle.build Objects normal armv7.. and Users kahanejosh Library Developer Xcode DerivedData workingTitle cawhuhbkmwcesmbqxvkbkbatdbze Build Intermediates workingTitle.build Debug iphoneos workingTitle.build Objects normal armv7 sunnyHillsTL.o Ld Users kahanejosh Library Developer Xcode..