

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:01

iphone Programming Glossary: wpky

How to decrypt an encrypted Apple iTunes iPhone backup?


then the value itself. The important values are the PBKDF2 ITER ations and SALT and then for each protection CLS the WPKY wrapped key. Using the backup password which is test in the below example derive a 32 byte key using the correct PBKDF2.. parts of iphone dataprotection # http code.google.com p iphone dataprotection import struct CLASSKEY_TAGS CLAS WRAP WPKY KTYP PBKY #UUID KEYBAG_TYPES System Backup Escrow OTA icloud KEY_TYPES AES Curve25519 PROTECTION_CLASSES 1 NSFileProtectionComplete.. self.attrs SALT iterations self.attrs ITER .read 32 for classkey in self.classKeys.values if not classkey.has_key WPKY continue k classkey WPKY if classkey WRAP WRAP_PASSCODE k AESUnwrap passcodekey classkey WPKY if not k return False..