

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: writetofile

How to export data to a csv file with iPhone SDK 3.0?


advance. iphone csv share improve this question You can also do something like array componentsJoinedByString @ writeToFile @ components.csv atomically YES encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding error NULL You can use combinations of this to put together..

Making An Emoji Enabeling App


How to save the content in UIWebView for faster loading on next launch?


createDirectoryAtPath absolutePath withIntermediateDirectories YES attributes nil error error ok content writeToFile storagePath atomically YES NSLog @ Caching @ @ storagePath ok @ OK @ KO pool release @end And the use of it in your application..

How can we store into an NSDictionary? What is the difference between NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary?


autorelease ...and alter it mutableDict setObject @ value3 forKey @ key3 ...then store it to a file mutableDict writeToFile @ path to file atomically YES ...and read it back again NSMutableDictionary anotherDict NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile..

Saving image to Documents directory and retrieving for email attachment


image imageView.image imageView is my image from camera NSData imageData UIImagePNGRepresentation image imageData writeToFile savedImagePath atomically NO Here is the new getting data code NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains NSDocumentDirectory..

How to take a screenshot programmatically


UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext NSData data UIImagePNGRepresentation image data writeToFile @ foo.png atomically YES UPDATE April 2011 for retina display change the first line into this if UIScreen mainScreen respondsToSelector..

iOS: Download image from url and save in device


0 NSString localFilePath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ pkm.jpg NSData thedata NULL thedata writeToFile localFilePath atomically YES UIImage img UIImage alloc initWithData thedata iphone ios image cocoa touch ipad share improve.. use is NSData theData NSData dataWithContentsOfURL yourURLHere to load the data from the disk and then save it using writeToFile atomically . If you need more control over the loading process or have it in background look at the documentation of NSURLConnection..

Getting a screenshot of a UIScrollView, including offscreen parts


savedContentOffset _scrollView.frame savedFrame UIGraphicsEndImageContext if image nil UIImagePNGRepresentation image writeToFile @ tmp test.png atomically YES system open tmp test.png The last few lines simply write the image to tmp test.png and then..

How can I find out if the iPhone user currently has a passcode set and encryption enabled?


@ tmp NSString testFilePath tmpDirectoryPath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ testFile @ writeToFile testFilePath atomically YES encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding error NULL obviously do better error handling NSDictionary testFileAttributes..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


initWithURL assetFileURL options nil NSData waveFormData self renderPNGAudioPictogramForAssett asset waveFormData writeToFile assetPictogramFilepath atomically YES assetFileURL release assetPictogramFilepath release if completionBlock waveFormData.. initWithURL assetFileURL options nil NSData waveFormData self renderPNGAudioPictogramForAssett asset waveFormData writeToFile assetPictogramFilepath atomically YES if completionBlock waveFormData retain NSThread MCSM_performBlockOnMainThread ^..

Problem setting exif data for an image


Write a file on iOS


paths objectAtIndex 0 NSString appFile documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ MyFile data writeToFile appFile atomically YES I have created MyFile.txt on resources. iphone file nsbundle share improve this question Your..

iPhone SDK - Google TTS and encoding


Save An Image To Application Documents Folder From UIView On IOS


docs directory NSString filePath documentsPath stringByAppendingPathComponent @ image.png Add the file name pngData writeToFile filePath atomically YES Write the file Reading it later works the same way. Build the path like we just did above then NSData..

Application crashed while importing songs from Ipod library in Iphone for iOs 5.0


0 NSString filePath NSString stringWithFormat @ @ playlist.data documentsDirectory NSLog @ file path @ filePath data writeToFile filePath atomically YES if NSFileManager defaultManager fileExistsAtPath filePath NSLog @ file exists else NSLog @ file..

How to write data in plist?


format errorDescription errorDesc if temp NSLog errorDesc errorDesc release temp setValue @ 123 forKey @ line1 temp writeToFile plistPath atomically YES Reading data from save.plist NSLog temp objectForKey @ name NSLog temp objectForKey @ wish NSNumber.. @ roll int i num intValue printf d i writitng the data in save.plist temp setValue @ green forKey @ color temp writeToFile plistPath atomically NO NSMutableDictionary temp1 NSMutableDictionary NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData plistXML.. dictionaryWithContentsOfFile plistPath infoDict setObject NSNumber numberWithBool hidden forKey @ LSUIElement infoDict writeToFile plistPath atomically NO manager changeFileAttributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject NSDate date forKey NSFileModificationDate..