

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: writedata

How to store a video/image file from a server in iPhone


didReceiveData NSData receivedata write each data received if receivedata nil if file file seekToEndOfFile file writeData receivedata void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection theConnection close file after finish getting data file closeFile..

understanding crash report [closed]


102 3 Foundation 0x346b518e _NSFileHandleRaiseOperationException 150 4 Foundation 0x346938ee NSConcreteFileHandle writeData 126 5 friendsCam 0x000fbeb4 NSFileHandle GTMFileHandleLogWriter logMessage level GTMLogger.m 315 6 friendsCam 0x000fbd9e.. 102 11 Foundation 0x346b518e _NSFileHandleRaiseOperationException 150 12 Foundation 0x346938ee NSConcreteFileHandle writeData 126 13 friendsCam 0x000fbeb4 NSFileHandle GTMFileHandleLogWriter logMessage level GTMLogger.m 315 14 friendsCam 0x000fbd9e..

How to download files directly to disk on the iPhone os?


connection void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData someData outputHandle writeData someData void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse aResponse response aResponse retain..

write data line by line on iphone


2 like 1 and then 2 iphone share improve this question Use NSFileHandle method seekToEndOfFile and the call to writeData NSFileHandle aFileHandle NSString aFile aFile NSString stringWithString @ Your File Path setting the file to write to aFileHandle..

how to write in append mode for text file


YES NSFileHandle myHandle NSFileHandle fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath documentTXTPath myHandle seekToEndOfFile myHandle writeData savedString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding myHandle closeFile iphone uitextview nsfilehandle share improve this..

NSURLConnection download large file (>40MB)


catch possible exceptions @try seek to the end of the file hFile seekToEndOfFile finally write our data to it hFile writeData data @catch NSException e NSLog exception when writing to file @ self.localPath result NO hFile closeFile share improve..

XMPP Sending/Receving file in iphone sdk …?


TURNSocket sender Then in your didSucceed implementation send data on the socket that was passed in using void writeData NSData data withTimeout NSTimeInterval timeout tag long tag Finally close the socket void disconnectAfterWriting I figured..

How to append string in local resource txt file for iOS sdk


NSLog into file


handle NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath path handle truncateFileAtOffset handle seekToEndOfFile handle writeData msg dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding handle closeFile and add this line below fprintf in the _Log function append..

How to copy songs from iPod Library to app and play with AVAudioPlayer?


audioBuffer.mDataByteSize f NSLog @ Wrote d written totalBuff CFRelease blockBuffer CFRelease ref fileHandle writeData data NSLog @ writting d frame for amounts of buffers d data.length audioBufferList.mNumberBuffers data release NSLog..

How can I convert my Zip-file to NSData to email my Zip file as an attachment


ZipWriteStream stream readFile writeFileInZipWithName @ foto2.jpg compressionLevel ZipCompressionLevelNone stream writeData fotoData stream finishedWriting MFMailComposeViewController picker MFMailComposeViewController alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate.. ZipWriteStream stream readFile writeFileInZipWithName @ foto2.jpeg compressionLevel ZipCompressionLevelNone stream writeData imageData2 stream finishedWriting MFMailComposeViewController picker MFMailComposeViewController alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate..

iOS 5.0 crash when reading data from an AVAssetReaderOutput


here data appendBytes frame length audioBuffer.mDataByteSize totalBuff CFRelease blockBuffer CFRelease ref fileHandle writeData data data release Thanks Daniel iphone ios audio avfoundation ios5 share improve this question I actually fixed this..