

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: wsresponseprotocol

NSURLConnection NSURLRequest proxy for asynchronous web service calls


calls and also contains the NSURLConnection delegate methods @interface Proxy NSObject NSMutableData responseData id WSResponseProtocol delegate void searchForSomethingAsync NSString searchString delegate id WSResponseProtocol delegateObj @property nonatomic.. responseData id WSResponseProtocol delegate void searchForSomethingAsync NSString searchString delegate id WSResponseProtocol delegateObj @property nonatomic retain NSMutableData responseData @property assign id WSResponseProtocol delegate @end The.. delegate id WSResponseProtocol delegateObj @property nonatomic retain NSMutableData responseData @property assign id WSResponseProtocol delegate @end The WSResponseProtocol is defined as such @protocol WSResponseProtocol NSObject @optional void responseData..