

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:00

iphone Programming Glossary: worse

Get notification when NSOperationQueue finishes all tasks


my NSOperation s because I don't know which one is going to be last and queue operations might not be empty yet or worse repopulated when notification is received. iphone asynchronous queue notifications nsoperation share improve this question..

Optimizing CLLocationManager/CoreLocation to retrieve data points faster on the iPhone


the location has CHANGED then this is a new location and the device moved so take this value even if it's accuracy is worse. Here's my Location code to do this void locationManager CLLocationManager manager didUpdateToLocation CLLocation newLocation.. then this must be a new location and the device moved so take this new value even though it's accuracy might be worse if howRecent 5.0 newLocation.horizontalAccuracy oldLocation.horizontalAccuracy 10.0 newLocation.horizontalAccuracy 50.0..

Is there a way to programmatically scroll to a PDF page within a UIWebView?


The offset calculation isn't page perfect. If the PDF document isn't 8.5 x 11 e.g. A4 then the offset error gets worse more quickly. The self.currentPage property doesn't get updated when scrolling through the web view by way of touch drag...

How to set the width of a cell in a UITableView in grouped style


frame frame.origin.x inset frame.size.width 2 inset super setFrame frame Why is it better Because the other two are worse. Adjust table view width in viewWillAppear First of all this is unreliable the superview or parent view controller may adjust..

Chipmunk Physics or Box2D for C++ 2D GameEngine?


easily and Box2D seems to be widely used. Chipmunk is C and Box2D is C but I've heard the API's of Box2D are much worse than chipmunk's API's. For now I will be using the engine shape creation and collision detection features for irregular..

How can you play music from the iPod app while still receiving remote control events in your app?


the 'now playing' track in iPod which was a MP3 and it did return a valid NSURL object but initialization failed. Even worse when it was an Audible.com file the NSURL property flat out returned nil. If you try using an instance of the AVAudioPlayer..

Are there any huge differences between objective-c and Java, or iPhone and Android?


too much strain on the system would there be any problems in writing something to convert between objective c and Java worse than the locations of methods in the sdks Or are there key features or something in one language that the other doesn't..

Is it possible to cache resources loaded in an iPhone UIWebView?


entire page page and its referenced resources is around 89K compressed.. which is slow over 3G in some spots and even worse over EDGE. Incoming requests are at least indicating that it accepts compression accept encoding gzip deflate so that's..

Getting displacement from accelerometer data with Core Motion


mind that even a very small error e.g. 0.1 will grow rapidly after doing integration twice. Situation will become even worse after one second if you configure accelerometer with let's say 50 Hz i.e. 50 ticks are processed and the tiny neglectable..

Breakdown of iOS versions being used [closed]


way this is neither good nor bad. But it's just a fact that the Apple universe expects users to keep up for better or worse and the Google Microsoft universe believes in old version support for better or worse . Another way to look at it to be.. users to keep up for better or worse and the Google Microsoft universe believes in old version support for better or worse . Another way to look at it to be blunt and a bit rude the few iPhone users who don't upgrade their iPhones could it be..

How to Maintain VOIP socket connection in background?


every 10 minutes so the KeepAlive handler is set to 600. You can use other values to save the battery but it will make worse the detection of the disconnects on the client and server side. And will increase the time between the disconnect and reconnect...

How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?


which should cover ~17 fewer pixels when drawn and be more efficient with blocking fragments performance was actually worse than when using simple squares for this. Tiler utilization was still less than 60 in the worst case so maybe the larger.. I followed the recommendations here for optimizing triangles for rasterization. In previous testing octagons yielded worse performance than squares despite removing many unnecessary fragments and letting you block covered fragments more efficiently...

iPhone - strange error when testing on simulator


How to remove Address Bar in Safari in iOS?


to remove Address Bar in Safari in iOS Old trick with window.scrollTo 0 1 doesn't work. And even worse the address bar moves only a bit and gets stuck halfway out sometimes. iphone ios mobile safari ios5 address bar share..

Caching videos to disk after successful preload by MPMoviePlayerController
