

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:02

iphone Programming Glossary: wsdl2objc

Generating Objective-c client side code for consuming Rest Services


What options am I looking at I have researched quiet a bit on this and the closest to code generation I have seen is wsdl2objc . Since I also own the backend services I could make them SOAP based services but I really prefer not to do that since I..

Need help on Objective-C code (WSDL2ObjC generated)


iphone objective c ios4 soap wsdl share improve this question All depends on your web service class name etc as wsdl2objc makes up alot of your NSObjects and methods based upon this however suggesting that you are using soap 1.2 bindings and..

How do I use code generated from WSDL2OBJC


sample application. In sample application i am using webservices..i went through this tutorial http code.google.com p wsdl2objc wiki UsageInstructions and understood about wsdl2objc.. but this tutorial is too short so can anyone suggest similar like.. webservices..i went through this tutorial http code.google.com p wsdl2objc wiki UsageInstructions and understood about wsdl2objc.. but this tutorial is too short so can anyone suggest similar like tutorial or examples so tat is still more clear... thank.. objective c xcode web services soap share improve this question All depends on your web service class name etc as wsdl2objc makes up alot of your NSObjects and methods based upon this however suggesting that you are using soap 1.2 bindings and..

how to send the request and how to get the response from a sap soap wsdl service in xcode ,iphone [closed]


to send the request and how to get the response from a sap soap wsdl service in xcode iphone closed I installed the wsdl2objc and parsed the wsdl and generated the classes when the url is parsed.I imported that classes to the project in the xcode.. sap share improve this question First of all your object should implement the protocol generated for you by wsdl2objc for example @interface Envoyer UIViewController WSAppliMobileStockageSOAPBindingResponseDelegate To send your answer you.. tr WSAppliMobileStockage_tTransfertReponses new autorelease an instance of the object generated by wsdl2objc tr.sBuffer str dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding ws TransfertReponsesAsyncUsingParameters tr delegate self Finally..