

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:01

iphone Programming Glossary: wp

Converting & to & in Objective-C [duplicate]


format. http myserver.com _layouts feed.aspx xsl 4 amp web 2F amp page dda3fd10 c776 4d69 8c55 2f1c74b343e2 amp wp 476f174a 82df 4611 a3df e13255d97533 I want to replace amp with in the above URL. My result should be http myserver.com.. My result should be http myserver.com _layouts feed.aspx xsl 4 web 2F page dda3fd10 c776 4d69 8c55 2f1c74b343e2 amp wp 476f174a 82df 4611 a3df e13255d97533 Can someone post me the code to get this done Thanks iphone objective c escaping html..

<embed> or <object> tag video playback error handler - JavaScript


error' function errorFound alert 'Found error' script script type 'text javascript' src 'http www.sandeshkadur.com wp content themes Gaia js video.js ver 1.0' script head body id mainBody iframe id youtube_vid src http player.vimeo.com video..

How to integrate Facebook in iOS 6 using SLRequest?


23 apple_ref doc uid TP40012233 NSString message @ Testing Social Framework NSString picture @ http www.stuarticus.com wp content uploads 2012 08 SDKsmall.png NSString name @ Social Framework NSString caption @ Reference Documentation NSString..

Blog for learning Objective-C


outline text iPhone Software from Satosoft title iPhone Software from Satosoft type rss xmlUrl http www.satosoft.com wp content plugins nextgen gallery xml media rss.php htmlUrl http www.satosoft.com outline text iPhoneKicks.com title iPhoneKicks.com..

How do I create/render a UIImage from a 3D transformed UIImageView?


_transform.m41 x _transform.m14 _transform.m42 x _transform.m11 y _transform.m14 _transform.m41 y _denominatory float wp _transform.m12 _transform.m21 _transform.m11 _transform.m22 _transform.m14 _transform.m22 x _transform.m12 _transform.m24..

resize UIView when showing the keyboard for iphone, how to? [duplicate]


resize the view to half so I can still see the text that I'm typing and the send button Phase 1 http www.appbank.net wp content uploads 2010 10 WhatsAppMessenger 18.jpg Phase 2 http www.onetooneglobal.com wp content uploads 2011 02 onetoone_whatsapp_2.png.. Phase 1 http www.appbank.net wp content uploads 2010 10 WhatsAppMessenger 18.jpg Phase 2 http www.onetooneglobal.com wp content uploads 2011 02 onetoone_whatsapp_2.png What would be the best way to achieve this iphone uiview keyboard resize..

How to add “Directions To Here” button into the address book?


into the address book Google Map App has directions to here and directions from here like http static.intomobile.com wp content uploads 2008 10 iphone 22 os google maps street view 23.png When I call contact page can I add directions to here..

Wordpress Blog iPhone App Reader [closed]


posts or date ranges etc. http wordpress.org extend plugins json api Decide if you want to load ALL content from each wp post or just the titles. This kinda depends on how big each post is how you're displaying them etc. It might be quicker.. github.com stig json framework As for loading all archives ideally you can continually query for older posts with your wp json plugin and maybe store the loaded post's timestamps on the device so that you don't need to fetch data more than once...

UISwitch customization?


Base64 decoding issue with image data-iphone


encoded string. I am using base64.h and base 64.m files downloaded from the following link http cdn.imthi.com e6cef8 wp content uploads 2010 08 base64.zip This is my code Base64 initialize NSData data Base64 decode imageString imgview.image..

Post comment to WordPress Blog from iPhone programmatically


the blog via rss. I tried to post a comment programmatically using this code. #define post_url @ http localhost web wp wp comments post.php #define post_content @ comment_post_ID @ comment_parent @ author @ email @ comment @ NSString post_str.. the blog via rss. I tried to post a comment programmatically using this code. #define post_url @ http localhost web wp wp comments post.php #define post_content @ comment_post_ID @ comment_parent @ author @ email @ comment @ NSString post_str..