

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:00

iphone Programming Glossary: work.

Play Alert Sound (Vibrate) While AudioQueue is Recording


How do I add consumable In App Purchases using NSUserDefaults and not my own server?


productID NSString productID handle failure code... ends method... @end This code was not tested but it should work.. Obviously it can be improved but it should get you started. And lastly you would want to use this in your AppDelegate as..

Phonegap, iphone - applicationDidFinishLaunching not invoking


share improve this question I am new to iphone development. But i have done one small app using phonegap framework. Yes When we use phonegap framework our Project's applicationDidFinishLaunching does not work and other methods like webViewDidFinishLoad.. does not work and other methods like webViewDidFinishLoad and webViewDidStartLoad in app delegate also not work.. Instead of this applicationDidFinishLaunchinWithOptions of PhoneGapLib.xcodeproj which is included in our project of phonegap..

iPhone, Obj-C, How can I use in app email from an actionsheet button click while using addSubview?


page vw addSubview vc.view return vc autorelease Heres the example code without any of my many attempts to make it work.. MFMailComposeViewController picker MFMailComposeViewController alloc init picker.mailComposeDelegate self picker setSubject..

Storing facebook token for offline access


token NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults objectForKey @ facebookToken _facebook setAccessToken token But it doesn't work.. Has anybody any idea what i could be doing wrong Thanks Vincent. EDIT If i do a NSlog after NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults..

how to scroll uitableview to specific position


height the 1st row should scroll and get new position center and same for other rows. I tried contenOffset but did not work.. EDITED In short some thing like data picker when we select any row in picker the row scrolls to the center. Thanks.. iphone..