

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:00

iphone Programming Glossary: worker

CGImage/UIImage lazily loading on UI thread causes stutter


Everything works almost fine except there is a stutter as each image becomes visible. At first I thought my background worker was locking something in the UI thread. I spent a lot of time looking at it and eventually realized that the UIImage is.. UIImage is doing some extra lazy processing on the UI thread when it first becomes visible. This puzzles me since my worker thread has explicit code for decompressing JPEG data. Anyway on a hunch I wrote some code to render into a temporary graphics.. context on the background thread and sure enough the stutter went away. The UIImage is now being pre loaded on my worker thread. So far so good. The issue is that my new force lazy load of image method is unreliable. It causes intermittent EXC_BAD_ACCESS...

Cocoa thread synchronisation when using [ALAssetsLibrary enumerateGroupsWithTypes:]


read about NSLock NSConditionLock but nothing yet seems to fit the requirement of 'signal a blocked thread that this worker thread has completed'. It seems like a simple enough need can anyone point me in the right direction Your clue boos are..

Asynchronous vs Synchronous vs Threading in an iPhone App


use synchronous HTTP requests vs asynchronous because of that reason alone. The only time it makes sense is to have a worker thread make your synchronous request and notify the main thread when the request is done. This will prevent the block. The..

GCD, Threads, Program Flow and UI Updating


can't wait it will block the UI. It also can't set the button back to enabled the work hasn't been done yet. It is the worker function's job on the background thread to do the work and then when it's done to then update the UI. But you cannot update..

How to exit NSThread


someObject stillWorkToBeDone performBitsOfWork You can share a reference between the coordinating thread and the worker thread using withObject . In this way the coordinating thread could change an instance variable in the shared object so.. withObject . In this way the coordinating thread could change an instance variable in the shared object so that the worker thread could stop it's work based on this condition. To exit the worker thread the coordinating thread would just call smth.. variable in the shared object so that the worker thread could stop it's work based on this condition. To exit the worker thread the coordinating thread would just call smth like someObject setStillWorkToBeDone false share improve this answer..