

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:59

iphone Programming Glossary: withtag

How do I read data using CocoaAsyncSocket?


share improve this question This should work void onSocket AsyncSocket sock didReadData NSData data withTag long tag NSData strData data subdataWithRange NSMakeRange 0 data length NSString msg NSString alloc initWithData strData..

How to upload image to server from gallery as JSON on iOS


conn NSConnection alloc initWithDelegate self conn sendRequest urlString withParaMeter parameter withMethod @ POST withTag 1 conn startAsynchronousRequest iphone ios json share improve this question if you want to upload an image as a string..

AsyncUdpSocket how to use receive


1 tag 1 I believe it should then call the method BOOL onUdpSocket AsyncUdpSocket sock didReceiveData NSData data withTag long fromHost NSString host port UInt16 port Well i put a NSLog in that method and it is never called. Well socket receive.. The method signature should look like this BOOL onUdpSocket AsyncUdpSocket sock didReceiveData NSData data withTag long tag fromHost NSString host port UInt16 port Try calling receiveWithTimeout with a non zero timeout value. May give..

Custom actions for UIGestureRecognizers (with custom parameters)


UITapGestureRecognizer iconClickRecognizer UITapGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget self action @selector logIcon withTag iconClickRecognizer setNumberOfTapsRequired 1 iconClickRecognizer setNumberOfTouchesRequired 1 iconClickRecognizer setDelegate.. this works I will use a for loop to add the iconClickRecognizer to all of the buttons by their tag. The logIcon int withTag method is shown here void logIcon UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer withTag int tag NSLog @ tag X f gestureRecognizer.. buttons by their tag. The logIcon int withTag method is shown here void logIcon UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer withTag int tag NSLog @ tag X f gestureRecognizer locationInView UIView self.view viewWithTag tag .x NSLog @ tag Y f gestureRecognizer..

CocoaAsyncSocket and reading data from a socket


1 tag HEADER_TAG That works fine and the following delegate method callback is invoked onSocket didReadData withTag I figure the next logical step is to figure out the size of the stream and I do that with UInt32 readLength data getBytes.. sock readDataToLength readLength withTimeout 1 tag MESSAGE_TAG At this point though the callback onSocket didReadData withTag is no longer invoked. Instead timeouts on the read are occurring probably because I didn't handle the read properly this.. 1 tag HEADER_TAG Now in my callback I just do the following void onSocket AsyncSocket sock didReadData NSData data withTag long tag if tag HEADER_TAG UInt32 readLength data getBytes readLength length 4 readLength ntohl readLength int offset 4..

using image or tint color on uinavigationbar in iphone?


com thread.jspa threadID 1649012 tstart 0 sorry won't let me post a real link . void setBackgroundImage UIImage image withTag NSInteger bgTag if image NULL might be called with NULL argument return UIImageView aTabBarBackground UIImageView alloc.. I did this navigationControllerForChannels.navigationBar setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ top_bar.png withTag 48151623 I've had some buginess when updating the tab bar so you'll want to call self.navigationController.navigationBar..