

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:00

iphone Programming Glossary: world

Free Weather API [closed]


Big list of free paid http blog.programmableweb.com 2012 01 11 12 json weather apis World Weather Online API example http free.worldweatheronline.com feed weather.ashx q 90210 format json num_of_days..

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


and iPhone so it would be nice if there were useful examples from Apple besides the basic Hello World crap. Any help is greatly appreciated... iphone ios cocoa touch share improve this question If..

iphone/ipad: How exactly use NSAttributedString?


NSMutableAttributedString attrStr NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString @ Hello World for those calls we don't specify a range so it affects the whole string attrStr setFont UIFont systemFontOfSize.. attrStr Use the Justified alignment myAttributedLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentJustify Hello World will be displayed in the label justified Hello in red and World in gray. Note In iOS 6 you can render.. UITextAlignmentJustify Hello World will be displayed in the label justified Hello in red and World in gray. Note In iOS 6 you can render attributed strings using the attributedText property of UILabel...

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


pdfContext kCGTextFill CGContextSetRGBFillColor pdfContext 0 0 0 1 const char text Hello World CGContextShowTextAtPoint pdfContext 260 390 text strlen text End text We are done drawing to this page..

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


after the event loop completes it will be destroyed. NSString s NSString stringWithString @ Hello World If you want to hang onto that string you'd need to call retain explicitly and then explicitly release.. contrived bit of code and you'll see a situation where autorelease is required NSString createHelloWorldString NSString s NSString alloc initWithString @ Hello World Now what We want to return s but we've.. is required NSString createHelloWorldString NSString s NSString alloc initWithString @ Hello World Now what We want to return s but we've upped its reference count. The caller shouldn't be responsible..

Consume WCF Web Service using Objective-C on iPhone


WCF Web Service using Objective C on iPhone I am having a hard time consuming a very simple Hello World WCF web service in my iPhone app. From what I have read you must manually create the request message..

Free Weather API [closed]


it's 1 for every 10 000 requests after that. https developer.forecast.io Big list of free paid http blog.programmableweb.com 2012 01 11 12 json weather apis World Weather Online API example http free.worldweatheronline.com feed weather.ashx q 90210 format json num_of_days 5 key c0901b281c095607121605 Example app code . NOAA..

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


How do you indirectly add a view. I am fairly new to Cocoa and iPhone so it would be nice if there were useful examples from Apple besides the basic Hello World crap. Any help is greatly appreciated... iphone ios cocoa touch share improve this question If you use a navigation controller and set its delegate then the..

iphone/ipad: How exactly use NSAttributedString?


#import OHAttributedLabel.h 1 Build the NSAttributedString NSMutableAttributedString attrStr NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString @ Hello World for those calls we don't specify a range so it affects the whole string attrStr setFont UIFont systemFontOfSize 12 attrStr setTextColor UIColor grayColor now we.. to the OHAttributedLabel myAttributedLabel.attributedText attrStr Use the Justified alignment myAttributedLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentJustify Hello World will be displayed in the label justified Hello in red and World in gray. Note In iOS 6 you can render attributed strings using the attributedText property of UILabel...

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


Helvetica 16 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetTextDrawingMode pdfContext kCGTextFill CGContextSetRGBFillColor pdfContext 0 0 0 1 const char text Hello World CGContextShowTextAtPoint pdfContext 260 390 text strlen text End text We are done drawing to this page let's end it We could add as many pages as we wanted using..

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


example the variable s has a reference count of 1 but after the event loop completes it will be destroyed. NSString s NSString stringWithString @ Hello World If you want to hang onto that string you'd need to call retain explicitly and then explicitly release it when you're done. Consider the following very contrived.. release it when you're done. Consider the following very contrived bit of code and you'll see a situation where autorelease is required NSString createHelloWorldString NSString s NSString alloc initWithString @ Hello World Now what We want to return s but we've upped its reference count. The caller shouldn't be responsible.. bit of code and you'll see a situation where autorelease is required NSString createHelloWorldString NSString s NSString alloc initWithString @ Hello World Now what We want to return s but we've upped its reference count. The caller shouldn't be responsible for releasing it since we're the ones that created it. If..

Consume WCF Web Service using Objective-C on iPhone


WCF Web Service using Objective C on iPhone I am having a hard time consuming a very simple Hello World WCF web service in my iPhone app. From what I have read you must manually create the request message then send it to the web service URL. I was able to accomplish..

iOS Image Orientation has Strange Behavior


with the camera or taken with somebody else's camera and MMS'd to me are rotated 90 degrees. I wasn't sure why in the world this was happening hence my question but I was able to come up with a cheap work around. My question this time is why is..

What's the difference between NSNumber and NSInteger?


you know it's always meant to be in seconds without having to deal with a struct. When you move into the graphics world where Core Graphics lives suddenly floats are all around you hovering in the air haha . So it makes sense to introduce a..

Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing


Existing iPhone code base porting of C C and Objective C to the Android NDK or otherwise. Yes of course in a perfect world all apps would just plug into the magical cloud and all the reusable logic would be up in Google App Engine or some web..

Tips for a successful AppStore submission? [closed]


and running and the ability to accept and provide feedback. I just used Blogger. Unless your app is trivial the real world will find problems that you didn't anticipate and your unhappy users will always be the most vocal so you need the ability..

Is there a multiplatform framework for developing iPhone / Android applications? [closed]


Flash API to Desktop Browser iOs Android Flash HTML5 etc. and is an option to consider for those coming from a Flash world. It builds to native binaries and targets browsers as well Flash HTML5 . http www.openfl.org MonoGame is an open source..

What exactly does @synthesize do?


. A property doesn't have to be based on an ivar but most properties are. The @property declaration simply tells the world that there is a property called mapView . @synthesize mapView mapView1 This line tells the compiler to create a setter and..

Strange issue after upgrading to iOS 4.1 SDK


defined anywhere. I get this error when pre compiling the .pch file of my app. What's curious is that a simple hello world app compiles. Any idea what can I do Thanks in advance Stelian iphone ios share improve this question This is a known..

iPhone Development - XMLParser vs. libxml2 vs. TouchXML


often attractive to those more familiar with Objective C objects and autorelease or those coming over from the .Net world. Thus there is a need desire for a native Objective C wrapper around libxml to make it more familiar. TouchXML is one such..

NSDateFormatter dateFromString returns nil


cultures might use locales that use a different calendar than the Gregorian calendar that's used in the western world. If you did not explicitly set the locale the date formatter might be able to parse the date but the resulting NSDate would..

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?


by subclassing the UITabBarController and specially if can be done in Interface Builder I am just starting on this world off app development for iOS so if you could help me on that it would be really appreciated Thanks a lot in advance iphone..

Zooming MKMapView to fit annotation pins?


pins to the map about a 5 10 kilometre area. When I run the application my map starts zoomed out to show the whole world what is the best way to zoom the map so the pins fit the view EDIT My initial thinking would be to use MKCoordinateRegionMake..

CSS “position: fixed;” into iPad/iPhone?


which mobile browsers support position fixed http www.quirksmode.org m css.html but note that the mobile browser world is moving very quickly so tables like this may not stay up to date for long Update iOS 5 and Android 4 are both reported..

How do I size a UITextView to its content?


of a UITextView to conform to its content Say for instance I have a UITextView that contains one line of text Hello world I then add another line of text Goodbye world Is there a good way in Cocoa Touch to get the rect that will hold all of the.. for instance I have a UITextView that contains one line of text Hello world I then add another line of text Goodbye world Is there a good way in Cocoa Touch to get the rect that will hold all of the lines in the text view so that I can adjust..

Store orientation to an array - and compare


warping path is marked gray. This is only a sketch of DTW. There are a number of issues you have to address in a real world application. For example using offset instead of fixed ending points or defining measures of fit see this paper page 363..

Distance moved by Accelerometer


see between 37 00 38 25 in the video. Similar questions track small movements of iphone with no GPS What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


UITouch lookalike something like RevengeTouch. Objective C is plain old C and there's nothing more ducktypeful in the world than C as long as noone checks the real class of the objects which I believe noone does you can make any class look like..

How do I start playing audio when in silent mode & locked in iOS 6?


run down to 0 and then go into the negatives for hours on end. tested Im not sure how this would behave in the real world or in terms of app acceptance. B. Use a silent audio loop to pose as a continus audio playing media center Pros Worked when..

Free Weather API [closed]


that. https developer.forecast.io Big list of free paid http blog.programmableweb.com 2012 01 11 12 json weather apis World Weather Online API example http free.worldweatheronline.com feed weather.ashx q 90210 format json num_of_days 5 key c0901b281c095607121605..

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


am fairly new to Cocoa and iPhone so it would be nice if there were useful examples from Apple besides the basic Hello World crap. Any help is greatly appreciated... iphone ios cocoa touch share improve this question If you use a navigation..

How to calculate the width of a text string of a specific font and font-size?


. In your case the simplest variant should suffice since you don't have multi line labels NSString someString @ Hello World UIFont yourFont UIFont ... CGSize stringBoundingBox someString sizeWithFont yourFont There are several variations of this..

What is the second parameter of NSLocalizedString()?


comment parameter in NSString NSLocalizedString NSString key NSString comment If I do this NSLocalizedString @ Hello_World_Key @ Hello World and have two versions of a Localizable.strings English and Spanish does each need the entry English.lproj.. in NSString NSLocalizedString NSString key NSString comment If I do this NSLocalizedString @ Hello_World_Key @ Hello World and have two versions of a Localizable.strings English and Spanish does each need the entry English.lproj Localization.strings.. of a Localizable.strings English and Spanish does each need the entry English.lproj Localization.strings @ Hello_World_Key @ Hello World Spanish.lproj Localization.strings @ Hello_World_Key @ Hola Mundo Isn't the English one redundant objective..

Display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on iPhone Lock Screen


this code CFOptionFlags responseFlags 0 CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert 20.0 3 NULL NULL NULL CFSTR Hello CFSTR Hello World CFSTR OK NULL NULL responseFlags This works great on Home Screen but doesnt pop up if the screen is locked. Is there anything..

Print out the variable name objective-C


the previous post currently I can print out the class name method name and the line number when I call NCLog @ Hello World ApplicationDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching 10 Hello world with #define NCLog s ... NSLog @ @ d @ __FUNCTION__ __LINE__..

iphone/ipad: How exactly use NSAttributedString?


the NSAttributedString NSMutableAttributedString attrStr NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString @ Hello World for those calls we don't specify a range so it affects the whole string attrStr setFont UIFont systemFontOfSize 12 attrStr.. attrStr Use the Justified alignment myAttributedLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentJustify Hello World will be displayed in the label justified Hello in red and World in gray. Note In iOS 6 you can render attributed strings.. UITextAlignmentJustify Hello World will be displayed in the label justified Hello in red and World in gray. Note In iOS 6 you can render attributed strings using the attributedText property of UILabel. share improve this..

iPad: Animate UILabels color changing


void animateTextLayer CGFloat animationDuration 5 CATextLayer textLayer CATextLayer layer textLayer setString @ Hello World textLayer setForegroundColor UIColor purpleColor .CGColor textLayer setFontSize 30 textLayer setFrame CGRectMake 20 200..

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


CGContextSetTextDrawingMode pdfContext kCGTextFill CGContextSetRGBFillColor pdfContext 0 0 0 1 const char text Hello World CGContextShowTextAtPoint pdfContext 260 390 text strlen text End text We are done drawing to this page let's end it We could..

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


count of 1 but after the event loop completes it will be destroyed. NSString s NSString stringWithString @ Hello World If you want to hang onto that string you'd need to call retain explicitly and then explicitly release it when you're done... the following very contrived bit of code and you'll see a situation where autorelease is required NSString createHelloWorldString NSString s NSString alloc initWithString @ Hello World Now what We want to return s but we've upped its reference.. where autorelease is required NSString createHelloWorldString NSString s NSString alloc initWithString @ Hello World Now what We want to return s but we've upped its reference count. The caller shouldn't be responsible for releasing it since..

Consume WCF Web Service using Objective-C on iPhone


WCF Web Service using Objective C on iPhone I am having a hard time consuming a very simple Hello World WCF web service in my iPhone app. From what I have read you must manually create the request message then send it to the..