

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:04

iphone Programming Glossary: yaw

Drifting yaw angle after moving fast


yaw angle after moving fast In my current project I ran into trouble regarding the quaternion provided by Core Motion's CMAttitude... device quickly around like in a fast pacing game. When I return to the start position after 10 30 seconds the reported yaw angle differ from the start position for 10 20 degrees most of the time 1° . I used the old and sadly no longer available.. sample to validate the effect. The Euler Angles for logging are read directly from CMAttitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch 180 M_PI attitude.roll 180 M_PI attitude.yaw 180 M_PI I found this on two different iPhone 5 devices manufactured..

Apple gyroscope sample code


rot.m23 rotMatrix 10 rot.m33 rotMatrix 14 0 rotMatrix 3 0 rotMatrix 7 0 rotMatrix 11 0 rotMatrix 15 1 If you want the yaw pitch and roll angles then you can access them easily using attitude.yaw attitude.pitch attitude.roll share improve this..

Compensating compass lag with the gyroscope on iPhone 4


I get the CMAttitude object. Correct me if I'm wrong please but here is what I've deduced from the CMAttitude object's yaw property I don't need pitch nor roll for my purposes yaw ranges from 0 to PI when the phone is pointing downwards as indicated.. but here is what I've deduced from the CMAttitude object's yaw property I don't need pitch nor roll for my purposes yaw ranges from 0 to PI when the phone is pointing downwards as indicated by deviceMotion.gravity.z and swinging counterclockwise.. and swinging counterclockwise and 0 to PI when swung clockwise when the device is pointing upwards yaw ranges from PI to 0 and PI to 0 respectively and from the compass data I'm using locationManager.heading.magneticHeading..

Store orientation to an array - and compare


the gyroscope. And after that the user should be able to replicate the same movement. I extract the pitch roll and yaw using self.motionManager startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue NSOperationQueue currentQueue withHandler ^ CMDeviceMotion motion.. withHandler ^ CMDeviceMotion motion NSError error CMAttitude attitude motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store these values into an array if the user is in.. NSError error CMAttitude attitude motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store these values into an array if the user is in record mode. And when the user tries to replicate..