

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:04

iphone Programming Glossary: yea

Drop Shadow on UITextField text


shadow text gray and even slightly blurry using the fact that fractionally offset text rects appear blurry. Added Oh yea don't forget to set the top text field's background color to UIColor clearColor if you go with this idea. 2 Even more fun..

how to update MKPolyline / MKPolylineView?


Is this also possible somehow for an overlay iphone objective c mapkit ios4 share improve this question yea you would have to add an additional overlay with the point set of from your last point to your next point. Once you create..

UITableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier Theory


happens here Does it look in the TableView if there is a cell with that identifier and just returns that one Well yea duh but if it sends a reference instead of allocating and I have a table view with let's say 4 cells with the same identifier..

iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar


initWithCoordinates self navigationController pushViewController viewController animated YES viewController release So yea it's obvious that there's nested push animations but isn't this the right way to go about it I checked out Apple's DrillDownSave..

Unable to update database


copyItemAtPath bundleSql toPath sqlFile error error if error NSLog @ Could not copy json file @ error else NSLog @ yea else NSLog @ transfer complete NSString bundleSql NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ databasenew ofType @ sql databasePath..

UIDocumentsInteractionController shows iBooks but doesn't open it
