

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:04

iphone Programming Glossary: yellowcolor

Autoscroll marquee label in iphone


init autoScrollLabel.text @ Hi Mom How are you I really ought to write more often. autoScrollLabel.textColor UIColor yellowColor iphone objective c uilabel marquee share improve this question UILabel is a UIView. There are a number of ways to animate..

Two colors for UILabel TEXT


alloc initWithString @ Hello. That is a test attributed string. str addAttribute @ Hello value UIColor yellowColor range NSMakeRange 3 5 str addAttribute @ That value UIColor greenColor range NSMakeRange 10 7 str addAttribute @ Hello value..

Subview appears underneath superviews layer.border?


UIColor redColor UIView cView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 50 50 100 100 cView.backgroundColor UIColor yellowColor bView addSubview cView backgroundView addSubview bView self.window addSubview backgroundView and the effect share improve..

Selecting Text in PDF file (iphone)


self.selections CGContextSaveGState ctx CGContextConcatCTM ctx s transform CGContextSetFillColorWithColor ctx UIColor yellowColor CGColor CGContextSetBlendMode ctx kCGBlendModeMultiply CGContextFillRect ctx s frame CGContextRestoreGState ctx CGPDFDocumentRelease..

Changing Background color on NSAttributedString


Custom UISwitch & App Store approval


16.0f switchView leftLabel setFont UIFont fontWithName @ Georgia size 16.0f switchView leftLabel setTextColor UIColor yellowColor iphone objective c share improve this question this will not create problems with submitting to the app store. You..

UIScrollView not scrolling although contentSize is smaller than UIImageView
