

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:16:05

iphone Programming Glossary: yields

NSStream, UTF8String & NSString… Messy Conversion


code 167 . This is the way the server is built so I need to try to stay within those bounds... unichar asciiChar 167 yields @ § self setSepString NSString stringWithCharacters asciiChar length 1 sendData NSString stringWithFormat @ USER User @Pass..

Objective-C Category and new iVar


@ 6a_loose1D.mp3 @ 6a_loose2D.mp3 @ 6a_loose3D.mp3 @ 6a_loose4D.mp3 @ 6b_won1D.mp3 nil If there is another way that yields the same a similar result I would also be very thankful. iphone objective c ios cocos2d share improve this question ..

Fragment Shader - Average Luminosity


quick iteration over the remaining few to arrive at the final luminosity value. For a 640x480 video frame this process yields a luminosity value in ~6 ms on an iPhone 4 and I think I can squeeze out a 1 2 ms reduction in that processing time with..

date formatting returns 12 hour format even when locale idenifier en_GB set


they were in the user ™s chosen calendar. For example if the user selects the Buddhist calendar parsing the year 2010 yields an NSDate object in 1467 in the Gregorian calendar. For more about different calendrical systems and how to use them see..

Core Data cannot resolve faults when object has “description” attribute?


with problem crashes. EDIT See below for resolution but would still like an explanation. The NSLog call above yields 2010 01 30 14 47 14.433 app 22618 20b B 0xf7f750 entity B id 0xf7ba70 x coredata B01FEC86 14D6 4973 BFDB EDE4AFD24FDC B..

how to detect (iphone sdk) if a video file was recorded in portrait orientation, or landscape


NSLog @ txf.a f txf.b f txf.c f txf.d f txf.tx f txf.ty f txf.a txf.b txf.c txf.d txf.tx txf.ty Which always yields a width height so for iPhone 4 width 1280 height 720 and the transform a and d values are 1.0 the others are 0.0 regardless..

iOS Find Location (Latitude,longitude) from Zipcode


ca J5Z 1A1 or china cn 100000 for example http maps.google.com maps api geocode json address ch 9014 sensor false yields status OK results types postal_code formatted_address 9014 St Gallen Switzerland address_components long_name 9014 short_name..

How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?


some of the hardware optimizations within the PowerVR GPUs. In my benchmarks rendering the test model I used above yields times of 18 35 ms per frame as compared to the 35 68 ms I was getting previously a near doubling in rendering speed. Applying.. previously a near doubling in rendering speed. Applying this same opaque geometry pre rendering to the raytracing pass yields a doubling in overall rendering performance. Oddly when I tried to refine this further by using inset and circumscribed..

converting timestamp to nsdate format


timestamp to nsdate format I want to convert my timestamp value 1308031456 to NSDate format which yields the value Tue 14 Jun 2011 06 04 16 GMT in online web conversion . How to convert it programmatically. Please tell me the..

Why is object not dealloc'ed when using ARC + NSZombieEnabled


what happened when I've edited your sample project zombies off leads to backtrace and both deallocs while zombies on yields no backtrace and only one dealloc. If you're interested the additional logging is contained in a fork of the sample project..