

python Programming Glossary: argparse.argumentparser

python, argparse: enable input parameter when another one has been specified


before bar else setattr namespace self.dest values parser argparse.ArgumentParser parser.add_argument ' foo' default foo_default parser.add_argument.. undocumented behavior of argparse import argparse parser argparse.ArgumentParser first_action parser.add_argument ' foo' dest 'cat' default None.. ... . e.g. import argparse import sys parser argparse.ArgumentParser action1 parser.add_argument ' foo' action2 parser.add_argument..

(semi-) automatic generation of argparsers for functions


to implement there's a lot of wiring involved parser argparse.ArgumentParser ... subparsers parser.add_subparsers ... c subparsers.add_parser.. for themselves so that the main code would be like parser argparse.ArgumentParser ... subparsers parser.add_subparsers copy.register subparsers..

Read Specific Columns from csv file with Python csv


csv from settings import # command arguments parser argparse.ArgumentParser description 'csv to postgres' fromfile_prefix_chars @ parser.add_argument..

Python argparse: Is there a way to specify a range in nargs?


setattr args self.dest values return RequiredLength parser argparse.ArgumentParser prog 'PROG' parser.add_argument ' f' nargs ' ' action required_length..

Argparse optional positional arguments?


os.getcwd extended example import os argparse parser argparse.ArgumentParser parser.add_argument ' v' action 'store_true' _StoreTrueAction..

Don't parse options after the last positional argument


. Presently I have something like this parser argparse.ArgumentParser parser.add_argument ' parallel' default False action 'store_true'.. parse_known_args the options may be taken out of order. p argparse.ArgumentParser p.add_argument ' a' action 'store_true' p.add_argument 'command'..

interprocess communication in python


go. Delicious isn't it import argparse import zmq parser argparse.ArgumentParser description 'zeromq server client' parser.add_argument ' bar'..

Dead simple argparse example wanted: 1 argument, 3 results


the way I do it with argparse with multiple args parser argparse.ArgumentParser description 'Description of your program' parser.add_argument..

Python argparse - Add argument to multiple subparsers


to some subparsers. So far the code looks like this parser argparse.ArgumentParser prog myProg subparsers parser.add_subparsers title actions parser.add_argument.. parser containing the common option s ... parent_parser argparse.ArgumentParser add_help False parent_parser.add_argument p type int required..

type=dict in argparse.add_argument()


img.png voids #00ff00ff 0 #ff00ff00 100 #f80654ff ' parser argparse.ArgumentParser parser.add_argument ' i' ' input' type json.loads args parser.parse_args..

How to make python argparse mutually exclusive group arguments without prefix?


arguments prefixed in mutually exclusive groups parser argparse.ArgumentParser prog 'mydaemon' action parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group required.. Here's a barebones implementation import argparse parser argparse.ArgumentParser prog 'mydaemon' sp parser.add_subparsers sp_start sp.add_parser.. print Let's try to stop... else print 'Stop now ' parser argparse.ArgumentParser prog 'mydaemon' graceful argparse.ArgumentParser add_help False..

How does argparse (and the deprecated optparse) respond to 'tab' keypress after python program name, in bash?


around the piece of code which handles the arguments. Its argparse.ArgumentParser instantiation and calls to add_argument which are superclassed..

Persistence of urllib.request connections to a HTTP server


timeout 30 conn.connect if __name__ '__main__' parser argparse.ArgumentParser parser.add_argument num type int help Number of connections..