

python Programming Glossary: arrive

Most suitable python library for Github API v3


clearly drill down through an object hierarchy and then arrive at the attribute containing what you want for repo in g.get_user..

Python: suggestions to improve a chunk-by-chunk code to read several millions of points


points_inside_poly . I have the following questions When I arrive at the end of the file I get this message LASException LASError..

Parse Gmail with Python and mark all older than date as “read”


of messages which I am importing. All imported messages arrive as unread but I need them to appear as read. I have a little..

python passlib: what is the best value for “rounds”


I'd recommend playing around with the values until you arrive at a rounds days tradeoff that you're comfortable with. Some..

detect new or modified files with python


program must be running a GLib mainloop for the events to arrive. One quick way to test that is by using import glib ml glib.MainLoop..

Python - Editing a single line in a large text file


program to be reading 86 400 lines every second. Thus we arrive at my question Can I read a single line in a text file edit..

receving socket python


wonderful thing TCP does it guarantees that the bytes will arrive in the same order. But It does not guarantee that they will.. the same order. But It does not guarantee that they will arrive chopped up in the same way. You simply cannot assume that every..

Speeding up a closest point on a hyperbolic paraboloid algorithm


two equations that would require a lot of manipulation to arrive at something like a third or fourth degree equation for either..

PyPy — How can it possibly beat CPython?


the need to do multiple pointer dereferences to finally arrive at the method you want to call. Q2. Which Python implementation..

Good language to develop a game server in?


ease in the development Please help me and my picky self arrive on a solution. UPDATE I didn't mean to sound so picky and I..

Is it possible to use Nose to run one test multiple times, concurrently?


tests that spend most of their time waiting for data to arrive from someplace else and can benefit from parallelization. I've..

How to properly interact with a process using subprocess module


idea here is that you can never know when the data will arrive and using a thread helps you to understand these issues while..

Socket Thread and PyGTK


you do 1 you won't have this problem since messages will arrive in order and there will be no concurrent threads to confuse..

Cyclic module dependencies and relative imports in Python


key in sys.modules and start the interpretation. And we arrive to this line from . import a But remember pkg a.py is already..

zeromq: how to prevent infinite wait?


poller.poll 1000 # wait up to one second for a message to arrive. evts will be an empty list if there is nothing to receive...

How to extract an arbitrary line of values from a numpy array?


have used slicing and indexing before but I can't seem to arrive at an elegant solution for such a where consecutive slice elements..

Python unicode in Mac os X terminal


it in. u'абвгд' Here you type in some characters that arrive at the python interpreter as a sequence of bytes maybe encoded..

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?


or just be individual processes waiting for work to arrive on the message queue. In the longer term you might also want..