

python Programming Glossary: arrs

Numpy meshgrid in 3D


but you get what you pay for. Hope it helps def meshgrid2 arrs arrs tuple reversed arrs #edit lens map len arrs dim len arrs.. you get what you pay for. Hope it helps def meshgrid2 arrs arrs tuple reversed arrs #edit lens map len arrs dim len arrs sz.. for. Hope it helps def meshgrid2 arrs arrs tuple reversed arrs #edit lens map len arrs dim len arrs sz 1 for s in lens sz s..

How to create a dynamic array


import numpy as np import pylab as pl def test_time func arrs func for i in xrange 2000 t for i in xrange 2000 start time.clock.. 2000 t for i in xrange 2000 start time.clock for a in arrs a.append i t.append time.clock start return np.array t t_list..

How to save big (not huge) dictonaries in Python?


strings and the values are arrays like this import numpy arrs 'a' numpy.array 1 2 'b' numpy.array 3 4 'c' numpy.array 5.. them by key to a compressed file numpy.savez 'file.npz' arrs To load it back npzfile numpy.load 'file.npz' npzfile numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile..