

python Programming Glossary: articletext

Web Crawler To get Links From New Website


2010 06 19 br mechanize.Browser htmltext br.open url .read articletext soup BeautifulSoup htmltext for tag in soup.findAll 'li' attrs.. for tag in soup.findAll 'li' attrs data section Business articletext tag.contents 0 print articletext An example of the object in.. data section Business articletext tag.contents 0 print articletext An example of the object in tag.contents 0 a href http www.thehindu.com..

Parsing broken XML with lxml.etree.iterparse


of encoding errors I'm running into In 17 data Out 17 ' t articletext lt p gt The cafeteria rang with excited voices. Our barbershop.. portrait photographer. Main hobby quartet singing. lt p gt articletext n' In 18 lxml.etree.from lxml.etree.fromstring lxml.etree.fromstringlist..