

python Programming Glossary: args

*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


args and kwargs duplicate This question already has an answer here.. args and kwargs duplicate This question already has an answer here What does.. 8 answers So I have difficulty with the concept of args and kwargs. So far I have learned that args list of arguments..

What does ** (double star) and * (star) do for python parameters?


param2 python syntax share improve this question The args and kwargs is a common idiom to allow arbitrary number of arguments.. syntax share improve this question The args and kwargs is a common idiom to allow arbitrary number of arguments to.. on defining functions in the Python documentation. The args will give you all function parameters a list In 1 def foo args..

Non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python


close_fds ON_POSIX q Queue t Thread target enqueue_output args p.stdout q t.daemon True # thread dies with the program t.start..

What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do?


import time thread def myfunction string sleeptime lock args while 1 lock.acquire time.sleep sleeptime lock.release time.sleep.. myfunction Thread # 2 2 lock Also what does args mean in this example python idioms python import share improve..

What is the most “pythonic” way to iterate over a list in chunks?


itertools docs def grouper iterable n fillvalue None args iter iterable n return izip_longest args fillvalue fillvalue.. n fillvalue None args iter iterable n return izip_longest args fillvalue fillvalue Example In pesudocode to keep the example..

Determining the number of parameters in a lambda


Returns the number of parameters in lambda_function Args lambda_function A lambda of unknown number of parameters So..

Are there any real alternatives to reStructuredText for Python documentation?


Style Guide which counterpart to the above looks like this Args path str The path of the file to wrap field_storage FileStorage.. will have none of that and renders all the text after Args in one long line. So to summarize before I go and defile my..

Python 3 __getattr__ behaving differently than in Python 2?


def __init__ self num 0 base None Creates the U32 object. Args num the integer string to use as the initial state base the.. def __init__ self num 0 base None Creates the U32 object. Args num the integer string to use as the initial state base the..

How to serialize db.Model objects to json?


obj def encode input Encode an input GQL object as JSON Args input A GQL object or DB property. Returns A JSON string based..

Windows is not passing command line arguments to Python programs executed from the shell


example if I have this program test.py import sys print Args r sys.argv 1 And execute test foo Args as compared to python.. import sys print Args r sys.argv 1 And execute test foo Args as compared to python test.py foo Args 'foo' My configuration.. execute test foo Args as compared to python test.py foo Args 'foo' My configuration has PATH ... C python25 ... PATHEXT .....

Copy an entity in Google App Engine datastore in Python without knowing property names at 'compile' time


it will have no parent entity or key name unless supplied. Args e The entity to clone extra_args Keyword arguments to override..

Mocking open(file_name) in unit tests


is given below def ParseCsvFile source Parse the csv file. Args source file to be parsed Returns the list of dictionary entities..

Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?


which is defined as s i b i a i max a i b i with 1 s i 1 Args X A M by N array of M observations in N dimensions cIDX array..

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribut 'has_key' in App Engine


kind . They are not tracked if self.increment_id is None. Args entity An entity with a key. if not self.increment_id return..