

python Programming Glossary: argv

Distributing my python scripts as jars with jython?


void run String args final String runner __run__ String argv new String args.length 1 argv 0 runner System.arraycopy args.. String runner __run__ String argv new String args.length 1 argv 0 runner System.arraycopy args 0 argv 1 args.length PySystemState.initialize.. String args.length 1 argv 0 runner System.arraycopy args 0 argv 1 args.length PySystemState.initialize PySystemState.getBaseProperties..

Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing


result_row in results csvfile.writerow result_row def main argv cli_parser make_cli_parser opts args cli_parser.parse_args argv.. cli_parser make_cli_parser opts args cli_parser.parse_args argv if len args 2 cli_parser.error Please provide an input file.. infile.close outfile.close if __name__ '__main__' main sys.argv 1 Let's take this program and rewrite it to use multiprocessing..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


codecs itertools operator sys import numpy filename sys.argv 1 if len sys.argv 1 else ' usr share dict american english'.. operator sys import numpy filename sys.argv 1 if len sys.argv 1 else ' usr share dict american english' # ucs2 or ucs4 python.. #include boost foreach.hpp int main int argc char argv using namespace std open input file if argc 2 cerr Usage argv..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


c_int CommandLineToArgvW windll.shell32 argc c_int 0 argv_unicode CommandLineToArgvW GetCommandLineW byref argc argv argv_unicode.. argv_unicode CommandLineToArgvW GetCommandLineW byref argc argv argv_unicode i .encode 'utf 8' for i in xrange 0 argc.value.. CommandLineToArgvW GetCommandLineW byref argc argv argv_unicode i .encode 'utf 8' for i in xrange 0 argc.value if not..

text processing - python vs perl performance [closed]


i xlogtime 1 if m ^AwbLocation . insert into i print ARGV xlogtime 1 n And on my PC both code generates exactly the same..

Why is equivalent Python code so much slower


1 do i comp gcd i j end end puts comp end if __FILE__ 0 if ARGV.length 2 stderr.puts 'usage s num1 num2' 0 exit 1 else main.. 2 stderr.puts 'usage s num1 num2' 0 exit 1 else main ARGV 0 .to_i ARGV 1 .to_i end end Execution times measurements time.. 'usage s num1 num2' 0 exit 1 else main ARGV 0 .to_i ARGV 1 .to_i end end Execution times measurements time python iter_gcd.py..