

python Programming Glossary: argsort

Python: tf-idf-cosine: to find document similarity


Hence to find the top 5 related documents we can use argsort and some negative array slicing most related documents have.. indices array related_docs_indices cosine_similarities.argsort 5 1 related_docs_indices array 0 958 10576 3277 cosine_similarities..

Finding the Index of N biggest elements in Python Array / List Efficiently


1 time 864 ms solution 4 def f a N return np.argsort a 1 N N len a time 104 ms Thanks a lot for the fast and very.. this question Have you looked at the built in numpy argsort method http docs.scipy.org doc numpy reference generated numpy.argsort.html.. http docs.scipy.org doc numpy reference generated numpy.argsort.html I can sort an array with 300 000 random floats in about..

numpy sort wierd behavior


S6 bi idxb np.unique b return_index True months bi np.argsort idxb months ndarray 'Feb 10' 'Aug 10' 'Nov 10' 'Oct 12' 'Oct.. lines bi idxb np.unique b return_index True months bi np.argsort idxb There are two mistakes You want to actually use the sorted.. not the indices that sort the indices so use sort not argsort . This should work bi idxb np.unique b return_index True months..

How can I “zip sort” parallel numpy arrays?


python sorting numpy share improve this question b a.argsort should do the trick. Here's how it works. First you need to.. works. First you need to find a permutation that sorts a. argsort is a method that computes this a numpy.array 2 3 1 p a.argsort.. is a method that computes this a numpy.array 2 3 1 p a.argsort p 2 0 1 You can easily check that this is right a p array 1..

Equivalent of Numpy.argsort() in basic python?


of Numpy.argsort in basic python is there a builtin function of Python that.. builtin function of Python that does on python.array what argsort does on a numpy.array python numpy share improve this question.. stackoverflow.com questions 3382352 equivalent of numpy argsort in basic python 3383106#3383106 #non lambda version by Tony..

Iterate over 2d array in an expanding circular spiral


list R # Sort by angle T array arctan2 x for x in R R R argsort T all_R.append R # Display the output from pylab import colors..