

python Programming Glossary: arguments

What is a metaclass in Python?


are long for the sake of clarity but like for self all the arguments have conventional names. So a real production metaclass would..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


construct MyClass or that those are the right constructor arguments but it is a useful form to express œthis is everything you need..

if x or y or z == blah


to 2 because that is the first true like value in the arguments. Then 2 1 would be False even though y 1 would be True . share..

*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


args and kwargs. So far I have learned that args list of arguments as positional arguments kwargs dictionary whose keys become.. I have learned that args list of arguments as positional arguments kwargs dictionary whose keys become separate keyword arguments.. kwargs dictionary whose keys become separate keyword arguments and the values become values of these arguments. To be honest..

What does ** (double star) and * (star) do for python parameters?


and kwargs is a common idiom to allow arbitrary number of arguments to functions as described in the section more on defining functions.. In 4 foo 1 2 3 1 2 3 The kwargs will give you all keyword arguments except for those corresponding to a formal parameter as a dictionary... 27 age 27 name one Both idioms can be mixed with normal arguments to allow a set of fixed and some variable arguments def foo..

Command Line Arguments In Python


Line Arguments In Python I am originally a C programmer. I have seen numerous..

Base 62 conversion in Python


ALPHABET Decode a Base X encoded string into the number Arguments `string` The encoded string `alphabet` The alphabet to use for..

Recommended Python publish/subscribe/dispatch module?


I guess . As I remember there are some performance issues Arguments checking made by PyDispatcher is slow. Unused connections have..

run a python script from c#


start new ProcessStartInfo start.FileName cmd start.Arguments args start.UseShellExecute false start.RedirectStandardOutput.. path to the python executable as FileName and build the Arguments string to supply both your script and the file you want to read... start.FileName my full path to python.exe start.Arguments string.Format 0 1 cmd args start.UseShellExecute false start.RedirectStandardOutput..

Python Class Factory to Produce simple Struct-like classes


I would like to perform person1 Person 'John' 'Doe' Named Arguments if possible person1 Person surname 'Doe' forename 'John' I Would..

Debug Pylons application through Eclipse


the root folder of your application in the PYTHONPATH zone Arguments Set the base directory to the root folder also. As Program Arguments.. Set the base directory to the root folder also. As Program Arguments use serve development.ini or whatever you use to debug your..

Pydev in Eclipse default working directory


Open Run Dialog... Select your run configuration Arguments Tab Working directory mine is set to workspace_loc test src..

Pure Python in Xcode


Double clicked PyExecutable in PyProject window 10 Went to Arguments and added the path of my main.py file Users jordan PyProject..

Reading Command Line Arguments of Another Process (Win32 C code)


Command Line Arguments of Another Process Win32 C code I need to be able to list the..

Python - anyone have a memoizing decorator that can handle unhashable arguments?


uses_hierarchy requirements uses_hierarchy requirements Arguments requirements a dictionary of the form mod list of dependencies..

Python in Xcode 4 or Xcode 5


click Choose . For the Debugger field select None . In the Arguments tab click the Expand Variables Based On field and select the.. is named the same as your project. Click the icon under Arguments Passed On Launch . You may have to expand that section by clicking..

How to profile PyCuda code with the Visual Profiler?


Working Directory pathtopycudafile mysuperkernel.py Arguments empty I use CUDA 4.0 under Ubuntu 10.10. 64Bit. Profiling compiled..

Run External Python Programs with Eclipse PyDev


Python.framework Versions Current bin python and the Arguments resource_loc Presumably this would call the python interpreter..

Convert RGBA PNG to RGB with PIL


Source http stackoverflow.com a 9166671 284318 Keyword Arguments image PIL RGBA Image object color Tuple r g b default 255 255.. Source http stackoverflow.com a 9166671 284318 Keyword Arguments front PIL RGBA Image object back PIL RGBA Image object front.. color and the same size as the original image. Keyword Arguments image PIL RGBA Image object color Tuple r g b default 255 255..