

python Programming Glossary: grant

python fabric mysql privileges


mysql user privileges with fabric. run mysql u s p s e 'grant all on s. to ' s'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD' user.. format string Any idea Thanks a lot run 'mysql u s p s e grant all on s. to ' s '@ 'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD' ' user..

How do I protect my Python codebase so that guests can't see certain modules but so it still works?


members of the public working on the code. We cannot grant the outsiders access to the small private bits of code but we'd..

How to get (and use) extended permissions in Facebook with Python/Django


Django I'm trying to write a simple app that lets a user grant my code permission to write to her page's Facebook stream. As.. my Facebook app. In that page they click on something that grants stream_publish to my app and assigns that permission to their..

Why does `a == b or c or d` always evaluate to True? [duplicate]


.strip if name Kevin or Jon or Inbar print Access granted. else print Access denied. It grants access to authorized.. Inbar print Access granted. else print Access denied. It grants access to authorized users as expected but it also lets in.. users Hello. Please enter your name Bob Access granted. Why does this occur I've plainly stated to only grant access..

Django, Turbo Gears, Web2Py, which is better for what?


access control mechanism and it is very granular you can grant access for specific operation on specific records. It comes..

Django Save Incomplete Progress on Form


start filling in a form and lack some required data e.g. a grant # needed to validate the form and before we can start working.. the Model has constraints to ensure valid data e.g. the grant # has to be unique . However I want them to be able to save..

python httplib Name or service not known


issue. Any ideas what permissions I would need to grant to which users to make this happen Possibly Apache can't open..

App Engine, appcfg and saving uploading credentials


you you will proceed once through an OAuth 2.0 grant flow in your web browser. The results of that grant will be.. 2.0 grant flow in your web browser. The results of that grant will be cached for future pushes. To use this feature just add..

Python on IIS-how?


commands from the command line cd dev python icacls . grant NT AUTHORITY IUSR OI CI RX icacls . grant Builtin IIS_IUSRS.. python icacls . grant NT AUTHORITY IUSR OI CI RX icacls . grant Builtin IIS_IUSRS OI CI RX Open IIS manager. Run windir system32..

Is there a way to get your email address after authenticating with Gmail using Oauth?


you're currently signed into simply and asks you to grant access to the web app. However it doesn't provide an API to.. email address. The problem is even though the user grants access with OAuth to interface with Gmail you still need to.. to ask the user for their email address and ask them to grant access from Gmail with OAuth. What's worse is the email address..

Python to parse non-standard XML file


structure xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE us patent grant SYSTEM us patent grant.dtd root_node ... root_node xml version.. encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE us patent grant SYSTEM us patent grant.dtd root_node ... root_node xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE.. root_node xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 DOCTYPE us patent grant SYSTEM us patent grant.dtd root_node ... root_node xml version..

Django Manager Chaining


to have a model extend both of these abstract models and grant the ability to only return the results that are both non deleted..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


# if you like sys.argv argv Finally it is possible to grant Τ ΩΤ Υ's wish to use DejaVu Sans Mono which I agree is an excellent..