

python Programming Glossary: greyscale

Default text as well as list textvariable Entry widget Tkinter


so to show which values are required in each box like a greyscale text 'Value 1 value 2 etc.. . self.numbers StringVar for i in..

Detect face then autocrop pictures


faces def pil2cvGrey pil_im # Convert a PIL image to a greyscale cv image # from http pythonpath.wordpress.com 2012 05 08 pil..

Python Imaging: YCbCr problems


grey L greyIm.save Data Test grey.bmp I'm expecting a greyscale version of my image but what I get is this jumbled up mess http..

How to write PIL image filter for plain pgm format?


it slightly to fit your purposes namely Deal with P2 ASCII greyscale instead of P1 ASCII bilevel . Use a different container if you're..

Converting an OpenCV Image to Black and White


solution no longer seems to work. I'm trying to convert a greyscale image to black and white so that anything not absolutely black..

Rectangular bounding box around blobs in a monochrome image using python


python I have a few monochrome images black and white not greyscale with a few weirdly shaped objects. I'm trying to extract each..