

python Programming Glossary: greeting

Perl's AUTOLOAD in Python (__getattr__ on a module)


in sys.modules and come up with this # mymod.py def greet greeting Hello World print greeting class AutoLoad object def __init__.. with this # mymod.py def greet greeting Hello World print greeting class AutoLoad object def __init__ self mod_name super autoload..

How can you make python 2.x warn when coercing strings to unicode?


import webbrowser name raw_input What's your name nName greeting Hello s name if name John greeting u' Feliz cumplea xf1os '.. What's your name nName greeting Hello s name if name John greeting u' Feliz cumplea xf1os ' webbrowser.open 'http lmgtf x79.com.. webbrowser.open 'http lmgtf x79.com q ' urllib.quote_plus greeting will fail with a cryptic error if you enter John usr lib python2.7..

Pythons many ways of string formatting ??are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?


the tuple and dictionary approach of the old formatter greeting 0 .format world greeting 'Hello' Note that the old system had.. approach of the old formatter greeting 0 .format world greeting 'Hello' Note that the old system had and the Template class..

error Property %s is not multi-line


1.363684484611202021 helloworld.py line 37 in get for greeting in greetings File base python27_runtime python27_lib versions.. helloworld.py line 37 in get for greeting in greetings File base python27_runtime python27_lib versions 1 google appengine.. body ' guestbook_name self.request.get 'guestbook_name' greetings db.GqlQuery SELECT FROM Greeting WHERE ANCESTOR IS 1 ORDER..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


though the User Experience folks have long switched that greeting to a more appropriate Welcome Dread Overlord and suitably L10n'ed..

How to serialize db.Model objects to json?


True class MainPage webapp.RequestHandler def get self greetings_query Greeting.all .order ' date' greetings greetings_query.fetch.. def get self greetings_query Greeting.all .order ' date' greetings greetings_query.fetch 5 if users.get_current_user url users.create_logout_url.. self greetings_query Greeting.all .order ' date' greetings greetings_query.fetch 5 if users.get_current_user url users.create_logout_url..

Python piping on Windows: Why does this not work?


trying something like this Output.py print Hello Input.py greeting raw_input Give me the greeting. print The greeting is greeting.. print Hello Input.py greeting raw_input Give me the greeting. print The greeting is greeting At the cmd line Output.py Input.py.. greeting raw_input Give me the greeting. print The greeting is greeting At the cmd line Output.py Input.py But it returns..

webapp2 + jinja2: How can i get uri_for() working in jinja2-views


'webapp2' is undefined webapp2.uri_for editGreeting greeting.key .id Or should i prepare these in the MainPage Request Handler.. Request Handler If so i don't know how to add them to each greeting. The following Code Example is taken from http webapp improved.appspot.com.. get self guestbook_name self.request.get 'guestbook_name' greetings_query Greeting.all .ancestor guestbook_key guestbook_name .order..

Upload files in Google App Engine


code class Guestbook webapp.RequestHandler def post self greeting Greeting if users.get_current_user greeting.author users.get_current_user.. def post self greeting Greeting if users.get_current_user greeting.author users.get_current_user greeting.content self.request.get.. greeting.author users.get_current_user greeting.content self.request.get content avatar self.request.get img..

error Property %s is not multi-line


from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template class Greeting db.Model Models an individual Guestbook entry with an author.. 'guestbook_name' greetings db.GqlQuery SELECT FROM Greeting WHERE ANCESTOR IS 1 ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10 guestbook_key.. guestbook_name self.request.get 'guestbook_name' greeting Greeting parent guestbook_key guestbook_name if users.get_current_user..

How to serialize db.Model objects to json?


run_wsgi_app from google.appengine.ext import db class Greeting db.Model author db.UserProperty content db.StringProperty multiline.. webapp.RequestHandler def get self greetings_query Greeting.all .order ' date' greetings greetings_query.fetch 5 if users.get_current_user.. Guestbook webapp.RequestHandler def post self greeting Greeting if users.get_current_user greeting.author users.get_current_user..

Upload files in Google App Engine


Guestbook webapp.RequestHandler def post self greeting Greeting if users.get_current_user greeting.author users.get_current_user..