

python Programming Glossary: granted

Execute python code inside browser without Jython


is to be done inside a browser. For sure I take for granted the user will keep the right to execute or not and will be asked..

Threaded Django task doesn't automatically handle transactions or db connections?


that doesn't involve a request you take this behavior for granted. In my case though there was no request because the job was..

Standalone Python applications in Linux


Python application in Linux I think I can take for granted the presence of a recent Python interpreter in any modern distribution...

How are exceptions implemented under the hood?


uses them but many including me simply take it for granted that they just work. I am looking for high quality material...

Why does `a == b or c or d` always evaluate to True? [duplicate]


.strip if name Kevin or Jon or Inbar print Access granted. else print Access denied. It grants access to authorized users.. users Hello. Please enter your name Bob Access granted. Why does this occur I've plainly stated to only grant access.. value the if block executes. That is what causes Access granted to be printed regardless of the name given. All of this reasoning..

`if __name__ == '__main__'` equivalent in Ruby


this question From the Ruby I've seen out in the wild granted not a ton this is not a standard Ruby design pattern. Modules..

assign output of print to a variable in python


Programmatically getting an access token for using the Facebook Graph API


app set up and the profile you want to post to must have granted proper permissions to allow all the different stuff like reading..

postgresql: out of shared memory?


classid objid objsubid virtualtransaction pid mode granted virtualxid 2 105315 2 105315 19098 ExclusiveLock.. classid objid objsubid virtualtransaction pid mode granted virtualxid 2 105315 2 105315 19098 ExclusiveLock..

What is the best way to publish RSS Feed on Facebook?


apps that do this like this one . One an Application is granted the publish_stream extended permission it can post on behalf..

Requesting Token via Django Piston Throws TypeError Exception


authorize ' CONSUMER_SERVER CONSUMER_PORT # key and secret granted by the service provider for this consumer application same as..

What's making this security descriptor go bad?


1 def CheckAccess path AccessDesired result wintypes.BOOL granted wintypes.DWORD 0 privsetlength wintypes.DWORD 0 fileSD GetFileSecurity.. byref privsetlength #size of optional privilege set byref granted byref result code GetLastError raise WindowsError GetLastError..

Warning while saving opportunity in OpenERP


access rules from the object. If no groups are explicitly granted access to something in OpenERP then everyone is granted access... granted access to something in OpenERP then everyone is granted access. If you really want to figure out what's going on I suggest..

Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle?


# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies..