

python Programming Glossary: griddata

Image transformation in OpenCV


here is the code import cv2 from scipy.interpolate import griddata import numpy as np grid_x grid_y np.mgrid 0 149 150j 0 149 150j.. 62 108 111 107 157 151 11 151 58 151 107 151 156 grid_z griddata destination source grid_x grid_y method 'cubic' map_x np.append.. warped.png warped I suppose you can google and find what griddata does. In short it does interpolation and here we use it to convert..

Fast interpolation of grid data


the data in the rough grid. At the moment I'm using scipy griddata linear interpolation but it's pretty slow ~90secs for 20x20x20..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


380 380 4 115 4 x_i np.linspace 8 8 512 resampled_data ml.griddata x y data x_i y_i 512 115 is the shape of the 2D data and I already.. do in your example there are more efficient methods than griddata or anything I'm about to describe below. scipy.ndimage.interpolate.map_coordinates.. yi # Interpolate using delaunay triangularization zi mlab.griddata x y z xi yi # Plot the results plt.figure plt.pcolormesh xi..

matplotlib color in 3d plotting from an x,y,z data set without using contour


import Axes3D from matplotlib.mlab import griddata from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator.. x max x yi np.linspace min y max y X Y np.meshgrid xi yi Z griddata x y z xi yi surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 6 cstride 6 cmap.. I think there is a problem with fill discontinuous surface griddata . Code from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib..

Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)


for all of my results. EDIT I think I need to use either 'griddata' or 'interp2'. griddata seems to produce the result I expect.. EDIT I think I need to use either 'griddata' or 'interp2'. griddata seems to produce the result I expect but 'interp2' does not... 0.000 0.175 0.818 1.000 dtype np.float GD interpolate.griddata rows cols z.ravel xi None yi None method 'linear' I2 interpolate.interp2d..

Filling gaps in a numpy array


estimate is required . In new scipy versions things like griddata would be useful but currently I only have scipy 0.8. So I have..

python matplotlib colorbar setting tick formator/locator changes tick labels


#http matplotlib.sourceforge.net examples pylab_examples griddata_demo.html from numpy.random import uniform seed from matplotlib.mlab.. import uniform seed from matplotlib.mlab import griddata import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker import.. 2.1 2.1 100 yi np.linspace 2.1 2.1 200 # grid the data. zi griddata x y z xi yi interp 'linear' ##### FIRST PLOT plt.figure CS plt.contour..

Polar contour plot in Matplotlib


gridded you should follow Stephen's advice and used griddata to interpolate your data on to a grid. The following script.. of both. import pylab as plt from matplotlib.mlab import griddata import numpy as np # data on a grid r np.linspace 0 1 100 t.. y.min y.max 100 xgrid ygrid np.meshgrid xgrid ygrid zgrid griddata x y z xgrid ygrid plt.subplot 122 plt.contour xgrid ygrid zgrid..