

python Programming Glossary: gtk.button

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


False 2 menu_bar.append root_menu menu_bar.show button gtk.Button Push Me button.connect clicked self.on_menu_push menu vbox.pack_start.. gtk.Calendar True False 0 cal_vbox.pack_start gtk.Button Dummy locations True False 0 toggle_button gtk.ToggleButton..

Python&PyGTK: Stop while on button click


to stop it. This is the code for button self.btnThisOne gtk.Button This one self.btnThisOne.connect clicked self.startLoop The..

PyGTK leave-notify-event shouldn't be triggered if enter children


self.connect 'leave notify event' self._on_mouse_leave btn gtk.Button 'x' btn.set_border_width 12 self.add btn def _on_mouse_enter.. self.connect 'leave notify event' self._on_mouse_leave btn gtk.Button 'x' # btn.set_border_width 12 Is that what you need share..

Simple pygtk and threads example please


def __init__ self window gtk.Window vbox gtk.VBox btnone gtk.Button 'one' btnone.connect 'clicked' self.click_one btnone.show vbox.pack_start.. self.click_one btnone.show vbox.pack_start btnone btntwo gtk.Button 'two' btntwo.connect 'clicked' self.click_two btntwo.show vbox.pack_start..

remove border of a gtk.button


but i Don't know how to do it. I tried with button gtk.Button button.set_style inner border 0 but i have an error the property.. gtk.Window box gtk.VButtonBox for k in range 10 button gtk.Button 'button d' k if k 2 0 button.props.relief gtk.RELIEF_NONE box.add..

Stop pygtk GUI from locking up during long-running process


window gtk.Window label gtk.Label box gtk.VBox button gtk.Button Test box.pack_start label box.pack_start button window.add box.. __init__ self self.counter 0 self.label gtk.Label button gtk.Button Test window gtk.Window box gtk.VBox box.pack_start self.label.. self.progress_bar_lock threading.Lock button gtk.Button Test window gtk.Window box gtk.VBox box.pack_start self.label..