

python Programming Glossary: gtk.main_quit

GTK window capture: VPython (OpenGL) application


window.add socket window.connect destroy lambda w gtk.main_quit print Got winID as d s self.OpenGLWindowID hex self.OpenGLWindowID.. window.add socket window.connect destroy lambda w gtk.main_quit socket.add_id long self.OpenGLWindowID gtk.main def main Main..

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


False window.stick window.connect destroy lambda x gtk.main_quit menu ContextMenu menu.add_calendar_submenu_item date self.on_date.. False window.stick window.connect destroy lambda x gtk.main_quit vbox gtk.VBox False 10 window.add vbox # Could have used WINDOW_POPUP..

How to send commands to pygobject virtual terminal?


v Vte.Terminal #v.connect child exited lambda term gtk.main_quit length len echo string n v.feed echo string n length box.pack_start..

Running function 5 seconds after pygtk widget is shown


5000 timer_cb def destroy_cb widget data None gtk.main_quit def main window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.connect..

PyGTK leave-notify-event shouldn't be triggered if enter children


def main win gtk.Window win.connect 'destroy' gtk.main_quit win.add MenuBox win.show_all gtk.main if __name__ '__main__'..

How do I render *parts* of a svg file?


gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER window.connect destroy gtk.main_quit window.show document minidom.parse cards.svg element xpath.Evaluate.. gtk.Window window.set_title Foo window.connect destroy gtk.main_quit window.show svg rsvg.Handle file 'cards.svg' pixbuf svg.get_pixbuf..

Is this possible to draw GtkTreeView listed like GtkIconView?


pixbuf w gtk.Window w.connect 'destroy' lambda w gtk.main_quit sw gtk.ScrolledWindow w.add sw sw.add iv w.show_all gtk.main..

How to display an image from web?


self widget data None print destroy signal occurred gtk.main_quit def __init__ self self.window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL..

How to get transparent background in window with PyGTK and PyCairo?


win.set_decorated False win.connect 'delete_event' gtk.main_quit win.connect 'expose event' expose win.set_app_paintable True..

Progress bar not updating during operation


with this solution the user cannot quit the application gtk.main_quit would not work because of new loop gtk.main_iteration until..

separate threads in pygtk application


the user. However once I continue this thread stops until gtk.main_quit is called. This is confusing me. The relevant code class MTP_Connection..

Stop pygtk GUI from locking up during long-running process


box window.show_all window.connect destroy lambda _ gtk.main_quit thread MyThread label button thread.start gtk.main thread.quit.. button window.add box window.connect destroy lambda _ gtk.main_quit button.connect clicked self.on_button_click window.show_all.. button window.add box window.connect destroy lambda _ gtk.main_quit button.connect clicked self.on_button_click window.show_all..

Drawing in PyGobject (python3)


'Invalid double buffer' def main_quit self widget Quit Gtk Gtk.main_quit def on_draw self widget cr Throw double buffer into widget drawable..

How to send commands to pygobject virtual terminal?


Threading in Gtk python


# init threads win MyWindow win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit win.show_all Gtk.main Note GObject.idle_add is the only gtk..

Extending from GtkBin


self.add Gtk.Entry win Gtk.Window win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit search QuickSearch win.add search win.show_all Gtk.main The.. child_allocation win Gtk.Window win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit search QuickSearch win.add search win.show_all Gtk.main However..

How to do background task in gtk3-python?


self.window Gtk.Window self.window.connect 'delete event' Gtk.main_quit self.box Gtk.Box self.window.add self.box self.label Gtk.Label.. self.window Gtk.Window self.window.connect 'delete event' Gtk.main_quit self.box Gtk.Box self.window.add self.box self.label Gtk.Label..

Has threading in GTK w/ Python changed in PyGObject introspection?


fs #Stopping the thread and the gtk's main loop fs.stop Gtk.main_quit #Gui bootstrap window and progressbar window Gtk.Window progressbar..

Python. Doing some work on background with Gtk GUI


self.outBut self.Window.show_all def stop self Gtk.main_quit def passfun self pass class LoopSleep Thread def run self .. threading.Thread target loop_sleep .start def stop self Gtk.main_quit def passfun self pass def loop_sleep i 1 while True print i..