

python Programming Glossary: gtk.window

GTK window capture: VPython (OpenGL) application


def run self Draw the GTK GUI. gtk.threads_enter window gtk.Window window.show socket gtk.Socket socket.show window.add socket.. import gtk import pygtk self.OpenGLWindowID winID window gtk.Window window.show socket gtk.Socket socket.show window.add socket..

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


__main__ class CalendarExample def __init__ self window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.set_title Calendar Example window.set_border_width.. import time class CalendarExample def __init__ self window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.set_title Calendar Example window.set_border_width.. the same properties as the window # in applet. cal_window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL cal_window.set_decorated False cal_window.set_resizable..

Running function 5 seconds after pygtk widget is shown


destroy_cb widget data None gtk.main_quit def main window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.connect show show_cb window.connect..

How do I render *parts* of a svg file?


from xml import xpath from xml.dom import minidom window gtk.Window window.set_title Foo window.set_size_request 256 256 window.set_property.. to this # usr bin env python import gtk import rsvg window gtk.Window window.set_title Foo window.connect destroy gtk.main_quit window.show..

Simple pygtk and threads example please


return start class Fun object def __init__ self window gtk.Window vbox gtk.VBox btnone gtk.Button 'one' btnone.connect 'clicked'..

How to center a Window on the screen in Tkinter?


x y pyGTK OTOH is much better import pygtk import gtk win gtk.Window gtk.TOPLEVEL win.resize 300 300 win.set_position gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER..

Is this possible to draw GtkTreeView listed like GtkIconView?


gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file arg store.append pixbuf w gtk.Window w.connect 'destroy' lambda w gtk.main_quit sw gtk.ScrolledWindow..

Preventing window overlap in GTK


properties like so assuming self.window is an instance of gtk.Window self.window.get_toplevel .show # must call show before property_change.. class PyGtkWidgetDockExample def __init__ self self.window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL self.window.set_default_size 100 gtk.gdk.screen_height..

How to display an image from web?


written this simple script in python import gtk window gtk.Window window.set_size_request 800 700 window.show gtk.main now I want.. occurred gtk.main_quit def __init__ self self.window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL self.window.connect destroy self.destroy..

How to get transparent background in window with PyGTK and PyCairo?


0 0 0.9 0.8 cr.fill def main argc global win win gtk.Window win.set_decorated False win.connect 'delete_event' gtk.main_quit.. 1 2 widget.get_size 0 2 0 pi 2 cr.fill def main argc win gtk.Window win.set_decorated False # Makes the window paintable so we can..

Finding the workspace size (screen size less the taskbar) using GTK


with and set the main window accordingly with this window gtk.Window screen window.get_screen window.resize screen.get_width screen.get_height.. # Create the window connect the signal then maximise it w gtk.Window w.show_all w.connection_id w.connect 'size request' _on_size_req..

Need a simple “Hello World” example using the Webkit library in Python


view webkit.WebView sw gtk.ScrolledWindow sw.add view win gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL win.add sw win.show_all view.open http w3.org..

How to Add an icon to an ubuntu app


named icon your application can refer to it by name window Gtk.Window window.set_icon_name myapp Now one other thing you'll need to..

How to send commands to pygobject virtual terminal?


from gi.repository import Gtk GObject Vte class TheWindow Gtk.Window def __init__ self Gtk.Window.__init__ self title inherited cell.. GObject Vte class TheWindow Gtk.Window def __init__ self Gtk.Window.__init__ self title inherited cell renderer self.set_default_size.. unless you want that functionality. class TheWindow Gtk.Window def __init__ self Gtk.Window.__init__ self title inherited cell..

Threading in Gtk python


threading.current_thread .join map str args class MyWindow Gtk.Window def __init__ self Gtk.Window.__init__ self title Hello World.. map str args class MyWindow Gtk.Window def __init__ self Gtk.Window.__init__ self title Hello World self.button Gtk.Button label..

Extending from GtkBin


self .__init__ args kwargs self.add Gtk.Entry win Gtk.Window win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit search QuickSearch win.add.. self.get_child .size_allocate child_allocation win Gtk.Window win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit search QuickSearch win.add..

How to do background task in gtk3-python?


import gobject class gui def __init__ self self.window Gtk.Window self.window.connect 'delete event' Gtk.main_quit self.box Gtk.Box.. import threading class gui def __init__ self self.window Gtk.Window self.window.connect 'delete event' Gtk.main_quit self.box Gtk.Box..

Has threading in GTK w/ Python changed in PyGObject introspection?


Gtk.main_quit #Gui bootstrap window and progressbar window Gtk.Window progressbar Gtk.ProgressBar window.add progressbar window.show_all..

Python. Doing some work on background with Gtk GUI


import Gtk Gdk class Gui def run self self.Window Gtk.Window self.Window.set_border_width 8 self.Window.set_title Π΅ΠΊΠΈΠΉ.. import Gtk Gdk GLib import threading import time class Gui Gtk.Window def __init__ self self.Window Gtk.Window self.Window.set_border_width.. time class Gui Gtk.Window def __init__ self self.Window Gtk.Window self.Window.set_border_width 8 self.Window.set_title Π΅ΠΊΠΈΠΉ GUI..

Embed evince Python GI


self.on_activate def on_activate self data None window Gtk.Window type Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL window.set_title Evince Gtk3 Python.. def on_activate self data None window Gtk.Window type Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL window.set_title Evince Gtk3 Python Example window.set_border_width..