

python Programming Glossary: gtk.window_toplevel

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


class CalendarExample def __init__ self window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.set_title Calendar Example window.set_border_width 5.. class CalendarExample def __init__ self window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.set_title Calendar Example window.set_border_width 5.. as the window # in applet. cal_window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL cal_window.set_decorated False cal_window.set_resizable False..

Running function 5 seconds after pygtk widget is shown


widget data None gtk.main_quit def main window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.connect show show_cb window.connect destroy destroy_cb..

Detect user logout / shutdown in Python / GTK under Linux - SIGTERM/HUP not received


wb def __init__ self gtk.Window.__init__ self gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL self.show self.connect delete_event self.delete_event self.connect..

Preventing window overlap in GTK


def __init__ self self.window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL self.window.set_default_size 100 gtk.gdk.screen_height self.window.move..

How to display an image from web?


gtk.main_quit def __init__ self self.window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL self.window.connect destroy self.destroy self.window.set_border_width..

Need a simple “Hello World” example using the Webkit library in Python


sw gtk.ScrolledWindow sw.add view win gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL win.add sw win.show_all view.open http w3.org gtk.main That..