

python Programming Glossary: ground

Add scrolling to a platformer in pygame


if e.type KEYUP and e.key K_RIGHT right False # draw background for y in range 32 for x in range 32 screen.blit bg x 32 y 32.. left right running platforms if up # only jump if on the ground if self.onGround self.yvel 10 if down pass if running self.xvel.. entities.add player ... and alter our main loop # draw background for y in range 32 ... camera.update player # camera follows..

python program error elif else if [closed]


program error elif else if closed def Game # Story Background print You decide to take a walk outside one night when you come.. turn4 Forward or forward print You walk to a hole in the ground stopping you from moving any further print the hole seems to.. elif turn3 Left or left print You walk to a hole in the ground stopping you from moving any further print the hole seems to..

What is the difference between Ruby and Python versions of“self”?


styles interoperate more cleanly. Ruby was built from the ground up to be object oriented. Even the literals are objects evaluate..

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted?


a lot of legwork involved just to get something off the ground. tornado Though this is a server oriented product designed to..

Image embossing in Python with PIL — adding depth, azimuth, etc


ray gd numpy.cos ele # length of projection of ray on ground plane dx gd numpy.cos azi dy gd numpy.sin azi dz numpy.sin ele..

Which Python API should be used with Mongo DB and Django


as a framework. Ming represents an interesting middle ground between PyMongo and MongoEngine though I haven't had the opportunity..

Learning C++/Java coming from python


know another programming language or two. Start from the ground up you're not going from python to ruby here this is a bigger..

App Engine: Is time.sleep() counting towards my quotas?


to sleep in a system that's designed completely from the ground up to finish requests in the absolute shortest time possible..

SOAP suds and the dreaded schema Type Not Found error


2001 XMLSchema ' Now I know this is well covered ground in the suds world https fedorahosted.org suds wiki TipsAndTricks#Schema..

Compute shadow length using PyEphem


a shadow assume a stick of unit length is planted in the ground . The length will be given by cot phi where phi is the solar..

Python physics library?


program an object to 'jump' up and then fall back to the ground. There seems to be some simple collisions going on which PyGame..

Django vs other Python web frameworks?


run but not painful in the short e.g. some sort of middle ground anyone Learn WSGI or stick with a batteries included framework..

I know C#. Will I be more productive with Python? [closed]


obviousness. It's something that makes it easy to hit the ground running ... generally it's much easier to use than Perl or PHP..

Value changing at multiple positions in a list of list when trying to change at one place


switch to numpy which is faster and thought from the ground up for extremely fast matrix and multidimensional vectors manipulation..