

python Programming Glossary: growingtextedit

PySide Qt: Auto vertical growth for TextEdit Widget, and spacing between widgets in a vertical layout


self.textLayout.setMargin 10 for _ in xrange 5 text GrowingTextEdit text.setMinimumHeight 50 self.textLayout.addWidget text class.. 50 self.textLayout.addWidget text class GrowingTextEdit QtGui.QTextEdit def __init__ self args kwargs super GrowingTextEdit.. QtGui.QTextEdit def __init__ self args kwargs super GrowingTextEdit self .__init__ args kwargs self.document .contentsChanged.connect..

A QWidget like QTextEdit that wraps its height automatically to its contents?


self.textLayout.setMargin 10 for _ in xrange 5 text GrowingTextEdit text.setMinimumHeight 50 self.textLayout.addWidget text class.. 50 self.textLayout.addWidget text class GrowingTextEdit QtGui.QTextEdit def __init__ self args kwargs super GrowingTextEdit.. QtGui.QTextEdit def __init__ self args kwargs super GrowingTextEdit self .__init__ args kwargs self.document .contentsChanged.connect..