

python Programming Glossary: gst.element_link_many

Gstreamer of python's gst.LinkError problem


sink pipeline.add filesrc decode convert sink gst.element_link_many filesrc decode convert sink pipeline.set_state gst.STATE_PLAYING.. main File H workspace ggg src test2.py line 31 in main gst.element_link_many filesrc decode convert sink gst.LinkError failed to link decode.. share improve this question your problem is here gst.element_link_many filesrc decode convert sink the reason is that not all elements..

Playing RTSP with python-gstreamer


autovideosink sink self.player.add source decoder sink gst.element_link_many source decoder sink bus self.player.get_bus bus.add_signal_watch.. ... But it doesn't work and quit with this message gst.element_link_many source decoder sink gst.LinkError failed to link source with.. output self.player.add source depay decoder sink gst.element_link_many source depay decoder sink ... But I got the same error gst.LinkError..